Extravagant Devotion Series ~ (Part 2) The Cost

Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9
We are continuing our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means "exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary." We are looking into how Mary displayed this extravagant devotion to Christ when she anointed Him.  We first saw how it opens the door to the prophetic. Today we are going to look into the “the cost” of this deep devotion.

The Cost
John 12:3
This was a very expensive perfume of pure nard.  In those days it would be worth about one year’s wages.  It was used only on special occasions such as burial and receiving guests into your home.  It was very costly to her and quite possibly was being saved up for her dowry. But she chose to lavish it on Christ. She made the decision to anoint Christ with something so expensive as this oil.  She decided not to save it any longer and use it for this very special occasion. This was extravagant devotion!

What are we saving for? Just what are we saving all our time and talents for? A rainy day? When we retire? Our job? Other things?

We cannot literally ‘anoint’ Christ today- but-Matthew 25:34-40 speaks about ministering to the needs of others. Verse 40- states- as you did it one of the least- you did it to Me. When we treat others well, minister to their needs- it is as if we are doing it to Christ Himself- His Body. Extravagant devotion to Christ will cause us to meet the needs of others, to spend our lives, our possessions, our time, talents and gifts on others.

Just what are we saving our ‘anointing oil’ for? Since Christ lives in those of us who are His, we carry this anointing oil inside of us.  Let’s not use it foolishly but wisely.  Let’s lavish it on others.  It will never run out. Let’s forget the cost and spend our lives ministering to the needs of others.  It is as if we are anointing Christ Himself.

We will be looking further into this "extravagant devotion” but for now, let’s determine, wherever we are in our walk with Christ that we will search our hearts and see where we need to bring change into our lives so that we, like Mary, will be known for our “extravagant devotion”.


"Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn."
~John Wesley~


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