
Showing posts from June, 2020

Step Aside and See

Exodus 3:1-4 Verse 3  "So Moses said, 'I must turn away (from the flock) and see this great sight...'" (Amplified) Moses was in the middle of doing his usual daily routine- just watching the flock of his father-in-law Jethro.   Suddenly, he sees something that he has never seen before- a bush was on fire, but it was not burning up.   Scripture tells us that he turned aside to see why.   He stepped aside.   He left what he was doing for the moment to investigate what was happening.   Of course, reading in the rest of the chapter and many chapters after that,  we learn what the outcome was. God eventually uses him to deliver His children out of bondage in Egypt and into the promised land. Think for a moment what would have happened had he not stopped what he was doing, just kept on tending his flock, figuring the sight was just his imagination.   What a tragedy- for him.   If that would have happened God would have found someone else, I am sure.   But Mose