Step Aside and See

Exodus 3:1-4
Verse 3  "So Moses said, 'I must turn away (from the flock) and see this great sight...'" (Amplified)

Moses was in the middle of doing his usual daily routine- just watching the flock of his father-in-law Jethro.  Suddenly, he sees something that he has never seen before- a bush was on fire, but it was not burning up.  Scripture tells us that he turned aside to see why.  He stepped aside.  He left what he was doing for the moment to investigate what was happening.  Of course, reading in the rest of the chapter and many chapters after that,  we learn what the outcome was. God eventually uses him to deliver His children out of bondage in Egypt and into the promised land.

Think for a moment what would have happened had he not stopped what he was doing, just kept on tending his flock, figuring the sight was just his imagination.  What a tragedy- for him.  If that would have happened God would have found someone else, I am sure.  But Moses would have lost out on his purpose for living.  Moses had been commissioned before birth for this purpose. God orchestrated his  rescue from Pharaoh who wanted all the male babies killed.  Moses had been groomed, educated and prepared for this time in his life. It was just at this time that he was about to receive his assignment. He would have been the one to miss out. 

How many times do we miss out on what God has in store for us because we felt we were too busy to step aside and see- to investigate further what the Lord is doing at that particular moment.  We feel a nudge, a little voice telling us to do something particular.  Inside of ourselves we say, “Oh that is just my imagination.  That’s not God. And anyway, I am busy over here doing this thing.  I might check it out later.”  We may have missed opportunities for God to show us something or to use us to deliver His Word to someone in need.  No, we may not be used to deliver an entire group of people out of bondage or some source of pain.  We may never be used in the public eye- but how much we miss when we don’t step aside and see or listen to what God is trying to say. God has a very special plan and purpose for each of our lives. He orchestrates our lives but it is important to give Him time and attention in order for Him to put those plans and purposes into place.  I know I have missed many opportunities in my life for God to use me.  And it is something that you can not go back and redo.  God’s timing is essential.

God’s timing was very important then and it is still important to us today to take time, step aside and investigate what God is trying to show us.  It may be a feeling, a thought, a Word or song that keeps popping into our minds.  These are Divine Interruptions. God is interrupting us from what we think is important at the time, trying to get our attention. Step aside!  When Moses stepped aside (verse 4)- it was then that God spoke to him out of the burning bush.  When God saw that Moses was interested- even though Moses didn’t realize it was God at the time- it was then that God spoke to Him about his mission.

Step aside! Come apart from what you think is important and see and listen to what God has in store for you. Move closer to the Lord to allow Him time to speak to your heart.  It may be a special assignment He has for you to share His Word, a time of prayer and intercession.Or you just might miss a tender cherished moment with Him, where He just wants to let you know how much He loves you.

Step aside and see.

Lord, help me to be sensitive when You want me to come closer, to come aside from what I think is so important, and just come to Your side- to receive refreshing and renewal; to receive a new assignment; or maybe just to see Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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