
Showing posts from July, 2020

Waters to Swim In

Ezekiel 47:1-12 Verse 5: “Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.” This morning I was eating my breakfast near a window that overlooked our yard. I especially like to look out at our picket fence, the flowers and the bird baths. The robins have been enjoying coming to the bird baths, especially in this heat wave that we are having. I watched as a couple of robins would drink and bathe in the bath.   They get into the water and they flutter around as if to splash the water under their wings.   They turn in circles and seem to really enjoy the cool refreshing water.   Even the little birds come to take a drink and dip every now and then. I thought of the verse in Ezekiel where an angel brought Ezekiel to the door of the temple and “there was water flowing from under the threshold of the temple…”   The angel continued to lead Ezekie

Preparing Our Nest

1 Chronicles 15:1 "David built houses for himself in the City of David; and he prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched a tent for it."  Recently I noticed on our front porch, a red finch was beginning to build a nest. But I also noticed the remains of an egg on the porch floor, just beneath the unfinished nest.   I thought at the time-how sad. The mom dropped her egg before her nest was complete.   It possibly may have been a young mother not used to preparing a nest – BEFORE- having her babies. I began thinking how, in the spiritual- we must PREPARE before giving birth to spiritual things. In the verse above, David prepared a place for the ark of God- which symbolized God's Presence.  He wanted to make sure that the Presence of God had a place to abide. We need to make sure that we have a place prepared within us for the Presence of God where God can place visions and assignments in our spirit.  But many times-because we haven’t prepared a