Preparing Our Nest

1 Chronicles 15:1 "David built houses for himself in the City of David; and he prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched a tent for it." 

Recently I noticed on our front porch, a red finch was beginning to build a nest. But I also noticed the remains of an egg on the porch floor, just beneath the unfinished nest.  I thought at the time-how sad. The mom dropped her egg before her nest was complete.  It possibly may have been a young mother not used to preparing a nest – BEFORE- having her babies.

I began thinking how, in the spiritual- we must PREPARE before giving birth to spiritual things. In the verse above, David prepared a place for the ark of God- which symbolized God's Presence.  He wanted to make sure that the Presence of God had a place to abide. We need to make sure that we have a place prepared within us for the Presence of God where God can place visions and assignments in our spirit.  But many times-because we haven’t prepared a nest -these things are lost and never brought to birth. How many “births” could have happened, but we weren’t prepared? We didn't have a nest prepared for that gift or vision.

We may be like that momma finch, possibly twittering away her time, thinking that she had plenty of time to build her nest.  She may have been busy with other “bird” things and didn’t behave maturely and responsibly. Prayer, worship, communion with Him- these are the spiritual disciplines we must do in order to develop and build that nest. Because we are not developing these acts in our lives- we don’t nurture the environment or atmosphere that is necessary to receive what God has for us. Then we lose out on something God wanted to bring forth in our lives.

Preparing a nest is essential for that vision, that assignment, that ministry- whatever God has designed for His purpose to be fulfilled in us. We must prepare and be ready ahead of time, so we won’t be like the Finch mom who had her baby before she had a nest ready for it. We think so many things are more important than drawing away from the mainstream and sitting quietly at His feet, worshiping, adoring, full of heart gratitude for all He is- our Abba Father, Savior, Shelter, Protector- on and on- all the aspects of God Almighty. We like to be “doing” instead of “being”. The enemy uses this to distract us, to cause our eyes to get off what God is about to do.

It isn’t my responsibility to dictate to God just what I want Him to place inside my nest: a certain ministry, a gift, a calling, etc.  But it is my responsibility to prepare my nest ahead of time. I must make sure I don’t lose whatever God is birthing in my spirit. I must be sure to prepare my heart and soul for whatever He has in mind.  Preparation takes time and it is done in the secret place.  Only God sees what is taking place. Prepare your heart (your nest) to receive and to nurture the vision, the assignment, the ministry- which God is desiring to place inside of you. 

Take time to prepare your nest.


Dear Lord,
As I spend time in that secret place with you, as I prepare in worship, thanksgiving, Your Word and communion with You- may you place Your vision, Your fruit- whatever it is that You would want me to bring to birth. May I be patient as Your plans are revealed to me and may I be obedient to do my part to bring them to fruition. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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