Waters to Swim In

Ezekiel 47:1-12
Verse 5: “Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.”

This morning I was eating my breakfast near a window that overlooked our yard. I especially like to look out at our picket fence, the flowers and the bird baths. The robins have been enjoying coming to the bird baths, especially in this heat wave that we are having. I watched as a couple of robins would drink and bathe in the bath.  They get into the water and they flutter around as if to splash the water under their wings.  They turn in circles and seem to really enjoy the cool refreshing water.  Even the little birds come to take a drink and dip every now and then.

I thought of the verse in Ezekiel where an angel brought Ezekiel to the door of the temple and “there was water flowing from under the threshold of the temple…”  The angel continued to lead Ezekiel around the temple where the water was continuing to flow out of it. The angel then began measuring the depth of the water: ankle deep; knee-deep; hip-deep and then finally enough water to swim in.

Jesus said that He was the water of life and that out of every one that believed would flow rivers of living water.  Jesus is that living water and in it there is healing and refreshment, and all the things that we need for our daily lives.  Just like those birds, when they are parched, dirty and thirsty, they enjoy a good dip in a refreshing bird bath or rain puddle- so we should daily refresh ourselves with this living water- Jesus Christ.  And out of us, the temple of the Holy Spirit, should flow rivers of living water that will refresh others (John 7:38).  God brings people into our lives in order that we can give them this living water, just as Jesus himself gave to the woman at the well.

Waters to swim in!  It isn’t enough to just sip it, just to put our ankles in it or even wade in it.  No, we need to immerse ourselves in those rivers of living water that Jesus makes available through the Holy Spirit. Are you just sipping? Just sticking your toes in from time to time- when it gets really hot?  Are you just wading when you have time?  Or are you willing to dive into those waters that are too deep to wade in? One must immerse himself in and swim in those rivers of living water- each and every day!

John 4:14: “but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”



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