Quiet My Soul


Psalms 46:10: Be still and know- cease striving to “be” something, someone. Stop trying to make it come to pass. Allow God to do the work.


The still small voice, the whisper, the inward whisper into the deep crevices of our hearts- that’s where God speaks.

 All clamor, anxiousness, fretting must be hushed.  Our spirits must find and then cultivate that inward calmness, that surrendering of our wills, bowing down to the Great Orchestrater and Conductor of our life.  When we are full of voices, clamor, opinions of the world around us, we won’t discern that still small whisper, the gentle breeze, the hushed sound of our Creator and Redeemer.


Be still and know- 

Acknowledge and surrender to Him.  Let the peace of God settle deep down into your spirit.




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