Return to Me


Rev. 2:1-5
4-5 “4 But I have this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for me at the beginning. 5 Think about how far you have fallen! Repent and do the works of love you did at first. I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place of influence if you do not repent.” (The Passion Translation)
Recently the Lord has been dealing with me about Philippians 3:13-14- forgetting those things behind and taking hold of what is ahead- pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus. But, often, before we can move forward, we must first step back a little. Many times, we need to get back to the basics. We need to get back to the Root, the Source- Jesus Christ. The above verse states that the Church had abandoned their passionate love for Christ. Other versions render it- “your first love.” The Amplified states it as “you have lost the depth of love that you first had for Me.”
I love the classics, like Tozer, Bounds, Murray, Fenelon and many others. Also, the old hymns. Those hymn writers and authors had a very personal and passionate relationship with God. It pours out in the words of their books and hymns. Sad to say, but many in the Church have lost that passion for Christ. I like what A. W. Tozer says: “Whenever you find a man of God, you will also find an over-whelming passion for God… that is almost beyond control. Not a curiosity about God, but…deep passion…to experience God in all of His fullness.” Many today read His Word, pray, and talk about God- but they lack that deep passionate and depth of love that once overwhelmed them. The cares and the ways of the world have snuffed out this love.
Look again at verse 5-"Repent and do the works of love you did at first. I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place of influence if you do not repent.”
Here the Church is instructed first to repent and then go back to that first passionate love we first enjoyed when we first became a Christian. Remember that day? That moment? He said if not- that he would remove our lamp stand- our place of influence. I think we see this plainly today. The Church in many ways has lost its influence in the world. We are no longer Salt and Light- but we blend in with the world. The language of some Christians today is atrocious. We are not to give in the fleshly behavior and speech. We are to be different than the world. We are to influence the environment around us for Christ. Sometimes I feel like I have lost my influence in the world. When I spend too much time in worldly things: entertainment, social media, recreation, etc., and not enough time meditating on the Word, spending time in prayer and worship. Not spending enough time in His Presence. Yes, there are certain responsibilities that go along with our earthly life. We have jobs or for those like me who are retired, there are still responsibilities that must be done. And there isn’t anything wrong with recreation, entertainment, etc.- but it is when we spend the bulk of our day involved in these activities that we become dull and lack the desire to spend time with the Lord. Then as a consequence our love grows cool and even lukewarm, because the world has infiltrated our mindsets, our behavior and our thoughts. We become fearful, worrisome, panicky and lack the trust and faith that we are going to need to get through the days ahead.
Paul stated in Philippians 1:21- “For to me, to live is Christ (He is my source of joy, my reason to live) and to die is gain (for I will be with Him in eternity.)" (Amplified Version). Paul’s life was Christ. Christ was his source, his very reason for breathing. We must get to the place where we return to that first, passionate and deep affection for Christ. Too many things in this world will rob us of the joy of the Lord if we don’t.
God is asking the Church, each Christian, me- to return to that first love. That first awe and adoration that we had when we first believed and came to Him. Back to that foundation of experiencing His love and joy. We may need to repent if for nothing else- neglecting Him in so many ways. Repent from trying to do things in our own strength and power. Repent for our behavior which may not be Christlike. Repent for any wrongdoing on our part.
In order to go forward, we must first go back- return to the Lord- return to that First Love. Then with the joy and strength and power of the Lord we will be able to move forward into those areas that God would have for us.
Remember, our walk with Christ is supposed to be a love relationship with the One who brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light- the One who gave His life so that we might have real life, the One who daily loads us with His benefits and lavishes His grace on us.

It is a relationship with a living God.

Return- to- the- Lord.



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