A Journey In Grace


From the very first moment we are born again through the blood of Jesus Christ and every day thereafter, it is a journey of grace. As I look back at my almost 50 years of serving the Lord, I can say it has been a journey in His grace. I haven‘t always made the right choices. I have done some unwise things at times, but as I obeyed the Spirit’s leading, I was lead back to the right path.

As I enter the next season of my life, many things are becoming apparent.  One is that I can't physically do all the things that I did when this body was younger.  Entering the retirement years I think about what the future holds for my husband and myself.  We have no children to look after us in our "golden" years.  There is no one to come up and under-gird us as we continue the aging process. There are so many uncertainties with health care, having enough life insurance and just the day to day living expenses.  These things can weigh us down if we let them.  I have to admit sometimes I let them.

Just recently the Lord reminded me of this verse: 2 Corinthians 12:9. Paul is saying: “And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” Paul was going through some kind of ordeal here. We aren’t exactly sure what it was- Paul doesn’t say- but he came to this conclusion—that God’s grace was sufficient- more than enough—for him. God’s grace is more than enough for all of us. We must realize it was His grace in the first place that brought about the plan of salvation for those who would receive it—and it’s this grace that continues to help us in whatever situation we find ourselves.

The other great promise about this verse is that it states that "His grace" IS sufficient- today, right now, this very moment. He is the God of the NOW.  He is the Jehovah NOW- this moment.  He wants us to live in the moment- where He is.  His grace will be sufficient in my future as it always has been in my past. But I have to remember that He is an ever present God- the God of the now.  His grace is sufficient right now where I am.  Right now where you are.  He is sufficient.  He is more than enough.  He is Jehovah Jireh- the God who provides.

Years ago, while in prayer, the Lord gave me this vision: I saw a winding, twisting road.  Every so often there was a sack along side the road. The Lord spoke to me that the sacks contained just what I would need when I got to the spot on my journey.  I wouldn't have to worry about my journey- He had all things planned out and provided along the way. It wouldn't be too soon or too late, but just in the time when I needed it. 

So my responsibility is to trust Him for this grace- whatever I need, whenever I need it- it will be supplied.  I need to stop fretting about the future and rest in this promise. He lavishes us with His grace and it is more than enough to meet our needs. (Ephesians 1:7,8)

Journeys in Grace- God's grace. Amazing grace.  It has brought me this far and will continue to carry me through until He returns or takes me home.It makes me realize that God’s grace has affected every area of my life and will continue to do so.

 Have a great journey in grace!

Dear Lord--As we continue our journey in grace, it is my prayer that we all will continue to grow in His grace, to realize that it is more than enough to live a full and righteous life in Him- whatever is happening to or around us. As we humble ourselves before You, continue to lavish us with your grace. Amen



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