Adjusting Our Crowns

Revelation 5:10: "And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth."

As Daughters of the King, sometimes we get knocked down, blind sided by the enemy and land in the dirt. I know I do!  This is applicable to you men also. I am just speaking from my perspective as a Daughter of King Jesus. We get distracted by the things that are going on all around us, things we can not change on our own. Worries and anxieties plague our thinking. At times it is like what they call “the fog of war”.  There is so much going on around and to us, that we lose sight of the path that we are to be walking and become discouraged, disappointed and we end up spitting dust out of our mouths.

But what we need to do when this happens, and it does happen- we need to brush off our royal robes, readjust our lovely tiaras and pick up our scepter and begin walking again in that authority and power that has been invested in us by our Father King! If we have any kind of relationship with Christ we have been anointed for certain purposes for our lives.  We weren’t just put on this earth to take up space. No- we have been given a plan and purpose for our lives and it is up to each one of us to seek God and find out just what that is and get busy doing it.

As new creatures- a brand new creation- we have exchanged our filthy rags of unrighteousness for beautiful robes of righteousness.  We have been given a scepter- a symbol of authority- to rule and reign right where God has placed us.(Luke 9:1).  You have been planted right where God wants you.  You may not like where God has placed you, but then again- He didn’t have to ask your permission. If He is the King, then it is up to Him where He wants us- and He places us just in the right place where His Kingdom can be advanced.  It is the place where we shine for Jesus!  It is the place where He knows we can do the most service for Him. It isn’t always a place of fame or being in the public eye.  Not everyone is destined to be famous.  I know I wasn’t. But we must grow and shine where He has placed us. 

Yes, sometimes we get knocked down. Sometimes we get pushed around and sidetracked.  It is then that we must brush off our robes, straighten our crowns, pick up our scepter and say to the devil--- “Not in my kingdom!”  Oh, you didn’t know that you have a kingdom?  Yes, wherever we are is our kingdom. We need to learn to rule and reign there. Some have bigger kingdoms than others, but as members of Christ’s Body, as born again, blood-bought, spirit filled Christians- we are placed in a kingdom.  If nothing more- the kingdom of ourselves. And for some-me, for example,  that is a lot to conquer!

So, if you have been blind sided by the enemy and left in his dust, if he has made you to think that you will never amount to anything for God, if he has brought you into what I call "the land of the Big D’s"- (from the devil himself): disappointment, discouragement, depression, disarray, disbelief, discord, and so on- if you find yourself in one of these areas or many others- you have to regroup yourself- tell that old devil “Not in MY kingdom”- readjust your attire and move on quickly with God.  Don’t linger in the dust or it will be even harder to get up.

Get the Word inside of you, draw near to God, pray and intercede for yourself and others- for there is a kingdom to rule and an enemy to reign over. We must walk in the authority that God has placed on us- or else we will be ruled by the enemy’s kingdom.  The choice is up to us. There are people who are in your area of influence that are watching your life.  Get up and get moving again with God.  Shake off the dust and declare- that you are a man or woman of God and have been anointed with the power and authority to make a difference,to have a godly influence in others’ lives.


Get up.
Brush off your robe.
Readjust your crown.
Pick  up your scepter and
begin ruling and reigning again!

1 Peter 2:9: "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 

Isaiah 61:10: "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exult in my God, for He has covered me with the robe of righteousness..."




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