Fashioned By Grace


Psalm 139: 113-14: “For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me (together) in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; …”

Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship (His own master work, a work of art), created in Christ Jesus…” (Amplified Version)

These verses have given me such hope and comfort over the years, but I think in the past couple years- even more so. Since I passed the 70 mark this year, it is becoming quite evident how the years take a toll on a body. It takes me much longer to perform tasks that I used to just whip through.  Now, I find I have to space my daily tasks out so as not to expend all the strength I have in one swoop. I get up in the morning, and I think of one task I have to perform that day. And I say to myself: "If this is the only thing that gets done today, I have had a good day."  Then after that one is completed, I tackle the next job while I say to myself: "If I only get these two things done, it will have been a good day." And so forth.

And time! Wow!  I think about an event in the past- and I am sure it was only a couple years ago. Then I realize it was about 30-40 years back. Time has a way of fleeting by so fast.  When I was a young girl waiting for Christmas, summer vacation or birthdays- I would want it to hurry up and get here.  My mother would say- don’t be is such a hurry. When you get older time will go a lot faster.  I didn’t understand it then, but I sure do now!

But on the bright side—I love these verses. They remind me just how I came to be in this world and how He has kept me these past 70 years. (I still can’t believe it!!!)  But I don’t feel that old.  How old are you supposed to feel at this age? I don’t know.  I’ve never been here before.  I will let you know. And no matter how many more years God adds to my life, I am always reminded that it has been a journey of grace. His grace, love and mercy keep me everyday and even though I can't keep up like I used to, I can still wake up each morning knowing that I have a life full of God's blessings and grace.

That word “workmanship” in Ephesians 2:10 comes from a word meaning poem or poetry. It means something that is produced by an artisan.  His workmanship.  He put a lot of thought into my life from the very beginning.  I love doing cross stitch.  I love making something beautiful out of a piece of cloth and many colored threads.  When I am finished, it is a workmanship.  I am the artisan.  I made it. The underside looks quite a mess, though. From our point of view- our lives can look pretty messy at times. We see all the threads hanging out, and the threads tucked under other threads- just a mess. The edges of my canvas always begin to unravel. Kind of like our lives sometimes- unraveling.  Thankfully once it is framed, you only see the upper side.  God sees the upper side. Oh, He knows all about the underside with unraveling edges and threads all over the place. He knows about all the mistakes we made, the missed or uneven stitches or the wrong colors- but He loves us anyway and lavishes  His grace on us.  We are His piece of work!  He is the artisan. 

We have been fashioned by His grace and when we put our faith in His saving grace- we begin to see His handiwork in us. It doesn't matter what your life may be like right now- trials, sufferings and loss- but God's grace is still sufficient for you to live every day victoriously in Him.He fashioned you with His grace, He keeps you by His grace, He embraces you with His grace. The One who formed you , fashioned you from the outset, is the One who will continue to keep you by His grace.  

Dear Lord,
Help me to remember every day that I am fearfully & wonderfully made- by You. No matter what may be going on in my life, may I always remember that I was fashioned by Your grace and that Your grace will see me through.
In Jesus' Name


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