God Is Faithful


Keith and I were talking recently about how it will be 23 years this fall since God brought us  to Columbus, Ohio for vacation on our way to Indianapolis, or so we thought.  But through a process of events we soon realized that God was leading us here. In September of that year we came back over to “spy out the land”.  After a few days we returned to PA with Keith having 5-6 job offers here in Columbus.  We continued to receive conformation that it was Columbus that God was directing us to. In October of that year, Keith moved out here with a lot of our belongings in an old van that I prayed all night long would reach its’ destination. I stayed in PA to finish up some things for my job and he came back for me and the rest of our belongings a few weeks later.  We lived for about a year with his mom and dad (poor mom, dad and Mac- their dog). 

As we searched the city for a place of our own, God lead us to buy our first home in September 1999. This was a miracle from God since Keith had just lost his job and I had just started mine.  Another party had put a contract on the house.  We didn’t have all our financials in order yet.  I had gone to bed that night quite discouraged. It had been almost a year and we hadn’t found a place of our own yet. That night Keith, dad and mom stood in the middle of the living room and prayed for God to move on our behalf if this was to be our home.  That morning as I was praying before going to work, the Lord gave me the verse: “…Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today….” Exodus 14:13. I didn't know what was taking place but I had such a peace--house, or no house, everything would be alright. That evening when I came home from work, I had a call from the realtor saying that the other party backed out of their contract and it was ours as long as we got approval for our financing.  God helped us get the few loose ends wrapped up in just a couple days and then the house was ours. 

God has been so good and faithful all these years and many blessings along the way. Many such events have taken place over the years, where we thought we were at a loss, but God always came through- just in time! Although I miss my family dearly back home, I have never regretted following the Lord.  Never be afraid to follow the leading of the Lord. He has all things planned out and He is in control.  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean mot on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5,6



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