
Showing posts from 2022

Let Earth Receive Her King!

  I love this time of year and I especially love the old Christmas carols. One of my favorites is “Joy to The World”. The words are so relevant to today. If you really look at the verses of many of the old carols, you get the whole picture of why Jesus came to earth as a baby. Many of them take you from the prophecies of old up to the age of glory when Christ shall rule and reign on this earth. One of the verses in “Joy to the World” says- “Let earth receive her King.” When Jesus walked on this earth many thought that He was going to set up His earthly kingdom at that time. In fact, most of His disciples and the Pharisees thought that He would .(See Luke 17: 20-24 ) But His kingdom was and is not of this world ( John 18:36 ). I was just reminded of this recently when I recalled the words of this song. We must let earth—receive Him as King- our “earth” meaning our lives. We are earthly- but we receive His spirit when we come to Him and allow Him to fill us with His Spirit. Sad

New Beginnings

  NEW BEGINNINGS. This is what I’ve been hearing in my spirit. Refreshing, restoring, renewing- ministries, individuals, families. Autumn into winter- we think as a time of death. But it’s really a time of new beginnings. The unseen- underneath it all- there is refreshing, restoration and renewal. Things must die off before they can begin again- resurrection will take place. God is causing death in order to bring forth new life-in the Church, in the Christian, in the sinner, in the atheist, in any individual that will allow the death to take place. He is causing the dry bones to come to life. Be alert to what God is allowing to die in your life. It must take place before new life, resurrection can occur. Allow the death of the old life, the old ways, the old you- to take place -so that the new can arise and go forth. Allow Him to do the work, the cutting away of rotten flesh to allow the fresh wind of the spirit to come forth in your life. New beginnings!  ~Donna October


  The holidays are here! I really don’t know where September and October went. I was so looking forward to cooler weather and God gave us a beautiful fall here in the mid-west. But now?  Temps in the 30’s, wind-chills, snow flurries. Turns our thoughts to winter holidays.  I love the holidays. But I’ve been thinking lately about these past couple years. It’s been tough- not just for our family- but many we know have lost loved ones, hard times have hit, prices are skyrocketing. Our grocery list keeps getting smaller while the price keeps getting higher   So what’s my point? My point is to not focus on what is wrong in the world or in our own personal life, but to focus on what is right and good. There must be at least one thing good in your life. Right?  Think about it. You will surely come up with more than one if you try. Philippians 4:8 tells us what to think on.  At this time, let’s stop trying to have the perfect holiday, the perfect decorations, the perfect family and so on. Firs

One Thing

  "One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple." Psalm 27:4  Recently I was in a puzzle store, looking for just the right one for my husband and me.  It is one of our favorite past times- and nothing less than 1,000 pieces, please.  There were all kinds for all ages. Just a fun place to be. In the next aisle, I kept hearing a woman talking to a little boy. She kept saying, "Now, is this the "one thing" that you want to buy?"  I couldn't hear his response, but she repeated that question several times, "Is this the one thing that you want?"   Evidently he had been instructed before he ever entered that store, that he only had one option- just "one thing" that he could have at that time. Knowing kids, and myself, for that matter, it is hard to go into a store with so many options and have to deci

Extravagant Devotion Series ~ Summary

  Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9 Concluding our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means "exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary". We have been looking into how Mary displayed extravagant devotion to Christ. We saw how it opens the door to the prophetic, the cost, a servant's heart, breaking the flask and how Mary stayed focused on Jesus even though she was misunderstood.  Extravagant Devotion It is spending more than necessary. It encompasses and infuses our entire being. It will cost us time, our will or even our relationships. It will lead us into a humble servant life. It will require us to stay focused on Christ- It will require us to keep our eyes fixed on the One we worship. It will cost us the breaking of our wills which will allow the fragrant oil of the Holy Spirit to

Extravagant Devotion Series ~(Part 5) Mary Stayed Focused

  Scripture reference John 12:1-8 Continuing our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means "exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary". We have been looking into how Mary displayed extravagant devotion to Christ. We saw how it opens the door to the prophetic, the cost, a servant's heart, breaking the flask and now how Mary stayed focused on Jesus even though she was misunderstood. John 12:4-6 Judas Iscariot and other disciples (stated in the other gospels)- became indignant while Mary was performing her act of extravagant devotion. There was a lot of murmuring, surmising and innuendos going on around her. Mary had to push all other thoughts aside, not look at the faces or listen to the comments. She had to make her way toward Jesus- not letting what the murmurers were muttering to distract her. Hebrews 12:2 (Amplified): &quo

Extravagant Devotion Series ~ (Part 4) Breaking the Flask of Oil

  Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9 Continuing our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means "exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary". We have been looking into how Mary displayed extravagant devotion to Christ. Previously we saw how it opens the door to the prophetic, the cost and a servant's heart.  Next we will look into the act of breaking the flask of oil.  Matthew 26:6-13 & Mark 14:3-9 John doesn't mention breaking the flask, but Matthew and Mark do. Many flasks only contained about one ounce. This was twelve ounces. The flask was usually made from alabaster which was translucent and were easily broken. Webster defines "translucent" as: "1) permitting the passage of light; 2) free from disguise or falseness".  2 Corinthians 4:7 tells us "But we have this trea

Extravagant Devotion Series ~ (Part 3) A Servant's Heart Disclosed

  Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9 We are continuing our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary. We are looking into how Mary displayed this extravagant devotion to Christ when she anointed Him.   We first saw how it opens the door to the prophetic and how costly it is.   Today we are going to look into the “servant heart” of this deep devotion. John 12:3 This act of anointing Christ disclosed Mary’s servant heart.   In those days and in that area, it was the custom to anoint a guest’s head and to provide water for their feet.   The Amplified Study Bible states: “Anointing Jesus’ head was an act of honor but anointing His feet was a display of devotion. "   Normally only servants handled a person’s feet.   This was a true act of humility on her part. Being a former nur

Extravagant Devotion Series ~ (Part 2) The Cost

  Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9 We are continuing our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means " exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary." We are looking into how Mary displayed this extravagant devotion to Christ when she anointed Him.   We first saw how it opens the door to the prophetic. Today we are going to look into the “the cost” of this deep devotion. The Cost John 12:3 This was a very expensive perfume of pure nard.   In those days it would be worth about one year’s wages.   It was used only on special occasions such as burial and receiving guests into your home.   It was very costly to her and quite possibly was being saved up for her dowry. But she chose to lavish it on Christ. She made the decision to anoint Christ with something so expensive as this oil.   She decided not to save it any

Extravagant Devotion Series~ (Part 1) The Prophetic

 Originally posted May 2020 Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9 We are continuing our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means " exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary."  We are looking into how Mary displayed this extravagant devotion to Christ when she anointed Him. Today we will have a glance at how our extravagant devotion can lead us into the area of the prophetic. The Prophetic John 12:1-2 It was 6 days before Passover- just a few days before Christ was crucified. She was actually anointing Christ for His burial. She had no idea in the natural that He was about to die.   She was doing it as an act of honor- but- was actually operating in the prophetic. Our extravagant devotion will open doors to us in the prophetic area- if we are yielded.   It may not be huge or remarkable ways- but- we gain g

Extravagant Devotion Series ~ Introduction

 (Originally posted January 2020) Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9 I saw this phrase “extravagant devotion” in one my study Bibles as it was describing Mary’s devotion for Christ.   It set me thinking and searching about my own devotion to God and what it was in Mary to have this phrase attributed to her. So, I began to do a little digging and praying. The Webster Dictionary defines “extravagant” as: "exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary." There are a lot of moderate, balanced and restrained Christians in the Church today.   But God is seeking those a little “off balanced” with a lifestyle of giving “more than necessary” in their worship and devotion.   He is looking for those who display and live a life of “extravagant devotion” to Him.   This isn’t a fleshly display that we often see in churches a

Wonderful Counselor

  Recently the Lord revealed Himself to me in even a deeper understanding of these descriptions of who He is. In the beginning of the year I was experiencing an attitude that I didn’t quite understand or like. My own spirit was out of sync with the spirit of God and it was making me miserable. I wasn’t experiencing that peace and joy that I had previously experienced. I was grouchy, sulky and quick tempered. I picture ourselves as a finely tuned mechanism such as a clock that when  all the pieces are working in order the clock is working. But when one of the gears is broken or gets jammed up the clock no longer works and it has to be repaired.  I fervently asked God what was the problem because I was missing the peace and calmness that I had previously experienced. When we allow Him-when we make the time for Him to counsel us, as we seek Him for wisdom and answers - He is faithful to do it - and He shows us where and why we went wrong. As my counselor He showed me the particular areas

The Beauty of Life

  I received this coffee mug for Christmas. I love it!  It’s big, easy to handle and I so enjoy my morning coffee and thinking about the message on the outside: “The Beauty of Christmas is not in presents but in His Presence “. But wait!  Christmas is over.  What’s the message behind this little message?  What’s the back story?  To me and millions of fellow believers- the beauty of LIFE is His presence. There is beauty in each day.  It’s not just something to be aware of or speak of during the holidays and then pack away in storage until next Christmas. To learn, be aware of and embrace His presence, the presence of Christ each day, every day, moment by moment of every day- to me- that is the beauty of life. And when we embrace His presence at all times- and realize that He is embracing us- there is beauty in every day and every thing.  I think I’ll just keep using this cup all year because its little message reminds me of a greater message. It’s the beauty of His presence which makes

Through It All

    I haven't written for awhile on here. I am sharing my Facebook post from New Year's Eve.  This sums up how I am feeling as I enter the new year-  So- here we are- at the end of another year. I close out 2021 like I do every year- with a clean, uncluttered house, Christmas decorations put away for another year. In the spiritual sense, I am doing my best to enter the new year with a clean, uncluttered heart as well. Leaving behind the baggage and clutter, doubts and fears, the sadness and regrets. I never imagined that 2021 would bring the loss of my brother, mother-in-law and a close friend. I never imagined having Covid and watching others fight their way through it, some still dealing with issues. But I did KNOW that God would give me the strength to face whatever battles He chose for me. I end up this year looking at it this way: I have had more gains than losses, more health than sickness, more good than bad, more victories than defeats, more successes than failures- b