
Showing posts from January, 2022

Wonderful Counselor

  Recently the Lord revealed Himself to me in even a deeper understanding of these descriptions of who He is. In the beginning of the year I was experiencing an attitude that I didn’t quite understand or like. My own spirit was out of sync with the spirit of God and it was making me miserable. I wasn’t experiencing that peace and joy that I had previously experienced. I was grouchy, sulky and quick tempered. I picture ourselves as a finely tuned mechanism such as a clock that when  all the pieces are working in order the clock is working. But when one of the gears is broken or gets jammed up the clock no longer works and it has to be repaired.  I fervently asked God what was the problem because I was missing the peace and calmness that I had previously experienced. When we allow Him-when we make the time for Him to counsel us, as we seek Him for wisdom and answers - He is faithful to do it - and He shows us where and why we went wrong. As my counselor He showed me the particular areas

The Beauty of Life

  I received this coffee mug for Christmas. I love it!  It’s big, easy to handle and I so enjoy my morning coffee and thinking about the message on the outside: “The Beauty of Christmas is not in presents but in His Presence “. But wait!  Christmas is over.  What’s the message behind this little message?  What’s the back story?  To me and millions of fellow believers- the beauty of LIFE is His presence. There is beauty in each day.  It’s not just something to be aware of or speak of during the holidays and then pack away in storage until next Christmas. To learn, be aware of and embrace His presence, the presence of Christ each day, every day, moment by moment of every day- to me- that is the beauty of life. And when we embrace His presence at all times- and realize that He is embracing us- there is beauty in every day and every thing.  I think I’ll just keep using this cup all year because its little message reminds me of a greater message. It’s the beauty of His presence which makes

Through It All

    I haven't written for awhile on here. I am sharing my Facebook post from New Year's Eve.  This sums up how I am feeling as I enter the new year-  So- here we are- at the end of another year. I close out 2021 like I do every year- with a clean, uncluttered house, Christmas decorations put away for another year. In the spiritual sense, I am doing my best to enter the new year with a clean, uncluttered heart as well. Leaving behind the baggage and clutter, doubts and fears, the sadness and regrets. I never imagined that 2021 would bring the loss of my brother, mother-in-law and a close friend. I never imagined having Covid and watching others fight their way through it, some still dealing with issues. But I did KNOW that God would give me the strength to face whatever battles He chose for me. I end up this year looking at it this way: I have had more gains than losses, more health than sickness, more good than bad, more victories than defeats, more successes than failures- b