The Beauty of Life


I received this coffee mug for Christmas. I love it!  It’s big, easy to handle and I so enjoy my morning coffee and thinking about the message on the outside: “The Beauty of Christmas is not in presents but in His Presence “. But wait!  Christmas is over.  What’s the message behind this little message?  What’s the back story? 

To me and millions of fellow believers- the beauty of LIFE is His presence. There is beauty in each day.  It’s not just something to be aware of or speak of during the holidays and then pack away in storage until next Christmas. To learn, be aware of and embrace His presence, the presence of Christ each day, every day, moment by moment of every day- to me- that is the beauty of life. And when we embrace His presence at all times- and realize that He is embracing us- there is beauty in every day and every thing. 

I think I’ll just keep using this cup all year because its little message reminds me of a greater message. It’s the beauty of His presence which makes each day beautiful- no matter what I am facing. Life’s situations and challenges are in constant change. But His presence is always the same. 

Jesus Christ- the same yesterday, today and forever. 

~ Donna


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