Through It All


I haven't written for awhile on here. I am sharing my Facebook post from New Year's Eve.  This sums up how I am feeling as I enter the new year- 

So- here we are- at the end of another year. I close out 2021 like I do every year- with a clean, uncluttered house, Christmas decorations put away for another year. In the spiritual sense, I am doing my best to enter the new year with a clean, uncluttered heart as well. Leaving behind the baggage and clutter, doubts and fears, the sadness and regrets. I never imagined that 2021 would bring the loss of my brother, mother-in-law and a close friend. I never imagined having Covid and watching others fight their way through it, some still dealing with issues. But I did KNOW that God would give me the strength to face whatever battles He chose for me. I end up this year looking at it this way: I have had more gains than losses, more health than sickness, more good than bad, more victories than defeats, more successes than failures- because when you lean heavily on God He always brings you through to the other side- a little wiser, a little stronger and a lot closer to Him. It’s through the struggles of life that we learn more of Christ- and that has been my highest goal for many, many years. I don’t know what 2022 will bring but I know the One who will guide me through. In the coming year I want to see life through eternity’s eye. I want to see even more the back story of what God is doing in my life as well as in the world. God is always working behind the scenes and I want to be more aware of that in this coming year. To see His hand in my surroundings and my every day life because He is very active and involved in every detail. I want to think eternity- and not get bogged down with the small stuff and things that don’t really matter in the full scope of life. I want to see Jesus, sense His presence even in a greater way though I must say that the past couple months He has blessed me with His presence on a daily basis more than previously. All in all God is great and greatly to be praised- and I give Him all the glory. Praying all my friends and family will experience His love, joy and presence in the coming year. Be sensitive to listen to that still small voice. Take time to listen and not just talk. Ask Him for a sensitive and open heart. Know that our love and prayers are with you all and God bless.



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