Extravagant Devotion Series~ (Part 1) The Prophetic

 Originally posted May 2020

Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9
We are continuing our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means "exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary."  We are looking into how Mary displayed this extravagant devotion to Christ when she anointed Him. Today we will have a glance at how our extravagant devotion can lead us into the area of the prophetic.

The Prophetic
John 12:1-2
It was 6 days before Passover- just a few days before Christ was crucified. She was actually anointing Christ for His burial. She had no idea in the natural that He was about to die.  She was doing it as an act of honor- but- was actually operating in the prophetic.

Our extravagant devotion will open doors to us in the prophetic area- if we are yielded.  It may not be huge or remarkable ways- but- we gain great insight and discernment into what God is-or-is about to do. The closer we are to God, the better we will hear Him and discern His heart.  He will show us things and people to intercede for. He revealed to Abraham that He was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.  Abraham's nephew Lot was living in Sodom.  Abraham began to intercede for Sodom. (Genesis 18:16-33).  This back and forth dialogue between Abraham and the Lord was really intercession for the city and for Lot and his family.  As we stay close to the Lord He will open doors into the prophetic in order to intercede. 

1 Cor. 2:11-16- we have the "mind of Christ". The Holy Spirit will interpret spiritual things to our spirits when we are yielded to Him.The Spirit will only interpret these things to spiritual  Christians, not carnal Christians. It is the Spirit of God that reveals things to us today. To be effective and productive in our prayers and intercessions we must be extravagantly devoted to God. We will see ourselves being used in prophetic ways the closer we are to Christ. It won't be for our fame or glory, or for our benefit-but to benefit, enrich and enlarge the Kingdom of God.


"But whatever you do, find the God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated passion of your life, and find your way to say it and live for it and die for it. And you will make a difference that lasts. You will not waste your life."
~John Piper, "Don't Waste Your Life" 


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