

The holidays are here! I really don’t know where September and October went. I was so looking forward to cooler weather and God gave us a beautiful fall here in the mid-west. But now?  Temps in the 30’s, wind-chills, snow flurries. Turns our thoughts to winter holidays. 

I love the holidays. But I’ve been thinking lately about these past couple years. It’s been tough- not just for our family- but many we know have lost loved ones, hard times have hit, prices are skyrocketing. Our grocery list keeps getting smaller while the price keeps getting higher  

So what’s my point? My point is to not focus on what is wrong in the world or in our own personal life, but to focus on what is right and good. There must be at least one thing good in your life. Right?  Think about it. You will surely come up with more than one if you try. Philippians 4:8 tells us what to think on. 

At this time, let’s stop trying to have the perfect holiday, the perfect decorations, the perfect family and so on. First of all, it’s impossible because we are all flawed in some way. That’s why we need Jesus.  We are each unique and special in our own way. It’s what makes life exciting. Social media wants to make us believe it’s possible to have a perfect family, a perfect life. Hallmark Christmas movies are not reality!!  Nothing and no one is perfect- only Jesus Christ. Let’s focus more on Him and all that He has done for us. Then we can joyfully be truly thankful for what we do have. Let’s value and enjoy one another more, realizing that some day that person  will no longer be with us. Let’s interact with people instead of our phones, our house, our decorations, our gift buying. Our priority is those of our family and friends, our neighbors and those we don’t know yet- in short-people. Let’s be there, now, for one another. 

Let’s get back to simple, practical living. Our ancestors knew how to make it with a whole lot less than what we have now. We can do this and still enjoy life! Life is not perfect but Jesus is and with Him we can truly enjoy an imperfect life and be thankful for what we have. 

God bless and have a wonderfully imperfect holiday!  



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