New Beginnings


NEW BEGINNINGS. This is what I’ve been hearing in my spirit. Refreshing, restoring, renewing- ministries, individuals, families. Autumn into winter- we think as a time of death. But it’s really a time of new beginnings. The unseen- underneath it all- there is refreshing, restoration and renewal. Things must die off before they can begin again- resurrection will take place. God is causing death in order to bring forth new life-in the Church, in the Christian, in the sinner, in the atheist, in any individual that will allow the death to take place. He is causing the dry bones to come to life. Be alert to what God is allowing to die in your life. It must take place before new life, resurrection can occur. Allow the death of the old life, the old ways, the old you- to take place -so that the new can arise and go forth. Allow Him to do the work, the cutting away of rotten flesh to allow the fresh wind of the spirit to come forth in your life. New beginnings!


October 2022


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