
Showing posts from 2023

One With God-2/19/2023


Standing Strong


My Father's Nature

2 Peter 1:3,4 "..His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness... you may be partakers of the divine nature..."   Many years ago when I first started out on my own, I needed new tires for my car. I went to a certain auto store that my father had done business with many times. When I found out the price of the tires, I told the salesman- the same man my father had often had business with, that I didn't have enough money to pay for them in full. He said, "I knew your father and his word was good. You are your father's daughter and I trust that your word is good also." I was humbled. I already knew that my father was a great man and respected and that his word was good, but to have this man say this to me was inspiring.  Back in the day, many contracts were signed by a handshake and a word. Now, in my father's name, I was being trusted to fulfill my end of the bargain. And I did. I never forgot the trust that that salesman

Christ Within

  April 30, 2023  


  Romans 12:2   " not be conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..."   Back in the early spring, as I was praying, the Lord dropped these thoughts into my spirit: “There is a great shift taking place in the body of Christ. God is aligning His beloved ones into a place where their destiny is more fully revealed. Those who have been living in obscurity, living righteously, living in loneliness, faithfully in the wilderness- will begin to EMERGE. Those who have been going through the process of discipline, loss, grief, pain, loneliness, etc.- are beginning to spring forth- to come forth. Dry bones as clacking together, burnt stones are reviving, death is escaping the tomb! Come forth! As Jesus cried for Lazarus to come forth, Holy Spirit is crying out- “COME FORTH! CHURCH- COME FORTH! BODY OF CHRIST- COME FORTH!”. Spring forth- emerge from the wilderness leaning on the Lord, come forth from the sorrow, grief, regrets, failures, and come


I see I haven't been on here since February. Wow! Time flies. I finished up my Physical Therapy for my knees and lower back. Now it is working in the flower beds. Lots of therapy with the creams and roll ons for achy sore muscles. I usually smell like a pharmacy. But I thank the Lord that He renews my strength and my achy muscles recover in about a day. But the big thing I have learned over the last couple years is to pace myself. I am the type of person who, when I start a project I want to finish it in the same day, if not sooner. But I am learning to allow myself the time to rest and reset so I can finish the project. Many Christians are in such a hurry to finish "their project"- their plans for destiny and purpose. But God, having all things in control, knows that there is a timing to the plans in our lives. Just earlier I was reading in Ephesians 2- out of the The Passion Translation- verse 10- "we have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill th

Strenthen & Stretch

So- I knew it- I’m out of shape. No big revelation here. But it has finally caught up with me. A couple months ago I was to the place where I had to use a cane to get out of the chair and walk for long distances. Finally, I saw my doctor who referred me to orthopedics and then to physical therapy. Age related arthritis was the outcome- and some strengthening exercises to help build up the muscles around the knee and back joints. I shouldn’t be surprised but am amazed at how much the physical therapy is helping me.  Sometimes in our spiritual walk, we get out of shape. We let up on our prayer and study of the Word. And then at some point, this lack of discipline shows up as spiritual weakness. Ephesians 3:16 says: “…to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.” Maintaining and continuing to stay in the Word and in His Presence will guarantee that our inner man will be strengthen with His might and power. It begins with discipline, but then it becomes a devotio