Hidden Treasures

For the past couple of years, I have been collecting vintage Christmas ornaments and decorations. I guess the older I get, the more I appreciate older things. My husband and I often browse through antique shops and malls. We just enjoy walking down memory lane and spying things that bring back a warm and fuzzy feeling from our youth. I love finding that just one special item. I am not into spending a lot of money for anything. If I find something I like and it is within my price range, then I will buy it.

 This past Christmas season I went on the search again. At one particular antique mall, I hit the mother lode!  You must really look for things sometimes. I like to look in the nooks and crannies. Often that is where I find those hidden treasures. At one particular store, way in the back of the cubicle, behind some other items, I spied it! A box on the floor filled with those vintage glass ornaments that I love. The older the better. I don’t care if they are chipped or have lost their shine. It just proves that they are old like me and need a place in my home.  So, there it was- on the floor, behind some stands.  Having my hands already full, I found a place to lay them down and bent way over to look through the box of hidden gems. As I grow older, I realize that I don’t have the balance that I used to have. I have to be careful in certain positions.  As I am bending over, trying to hold on to something with one hand, and sorting through the ornaments with the other, I begin to lose my balance. All I could picture was me, falling into the corner on top of all these antiques- and not being able to get back up, no one noticing that I am there, plus having to deal with damages incurred upon my falling.  But thank the Lord, I was able to regain my balance and prevent a very embarrassing event!  As I rummaged through the box, I found several ornaments that I really like, and the prices were just right!

 The Word of God is like looking for hidden treasure. Sometimes you hit the mother lode! It doesn’t matter how many times you may read a scripture, just when you need something to keep going, just that one word of encouragement, or something that brings excitement and rekindles that fire inside of you-there it is!  But- the key is- we have to search it out. We must make it a daily practice to search and study the Word of God. It is that “hidden manna” (Revelation 2:17) that He gives to those who overcome. I like to think of that also as overcoming any obstacle that is in my way to get to those hidden gems in His word.

  Sometimes we must lay other things down, like our wandering thoughts, the events or concerns of the day- as I had to lay down what was already in my hands, and just concentrate on finding that treasure. Just as I had to really search for those hidden treasures in the antique store, meandering my way through some very small aisles, looking in all the little corners- and then- there it is!  That special jewel, treasure, gem- just what I needed at the time.  The great thing about searching out and finding God’s hidden treasures- is that is free! And you can do it in a safe place!

 I challenge you- don’t just “read” the Bible.  Pray and ask God to show you His hidden gems, those special treasures that will bring a smile and yes, sometimes a shout of “glory”- as God reveals to you His hidden treasures in His Word.  His Word is life- it brings life to those who will hear what the Spirit has to say.


 “ For our spiritual wealth is in Him, like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered-heaven’s wisdom and endless riches of revelation knowledge.”

Colossians 2:3 (The Passion Translation)


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