
Showing posts from February, 2023

Strenthen & Stretch

So- I knew it- I’m out of shape. No big revelation here. But it has finally caught up with me. A couple months ago I was to the place where I had to use a cane to get out of the chair and walk for long distances. Finally, I saw my doctor who referred me to orthopedics and then to physical therapy. Age related arthritis was the outcome- and some strengthening exercises to help build up the muscles around the knee and back joints. I shouldn’t be surprised but am amazed at how much the physical therapy is helping me.  Sometimes in our spiritual walk, we get out of shape. We let up on our prayer and study of the Word. And then at some point, this lack of discipline shows up as spiritual weakness. Ephesians 3:16 says: “…to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.” Maintaining and continuing to stay in the Word and in His Presence will guarantee that our inner man will be strengthen with His might and power. It begins with discipline, but then it becomes a devotio