Strenthen & Stretch

So- I knew it- I’m out of shape. No big revelation here. But it has finally caught up with me. A couple months ago I was to the place where I had to use a cane to get out of the chair and walk for long distances. Finally, I saw my doctor who referred me to orthopedics and then to physical therapy. Age related arthritis was the outcome- and some strengthening exercises to help build up the muscles around the knee and back joints. I shouldn’t be surprised but am amazed at how much the physical therapy is helping me.

 Sometimes in our spiritual walk, we get out of shape. We let up on our prayer and study of the Word. And then at some point, this lack of discipline shows up as spiritual weakness. Ephesians 3:16 says: “…to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.” Maintaining and continuing to stay in the Word and in His Presence will guarantee that our inner man will be strengthen with His might and power. It begins with discipline, but then it becomes a devotion to God and we find we just can’t go through a day without spending some time with Him in prayer and His Word.

We have to do some spiritual stretching as well. In the gospel of Matthew, 12:9-13 tells the story about a man who had a withered hand. He couldn’t use it anymore. It was shriveled up possibly from some injury or disease. Jesus comes along and tells the man to “stretch our your hand.”  Knowing how much joints and muscles can hurt when they haven’t been in motion for some time, I can relate to this man. I would be like, “now wait a minute Jesus. I haven’t used this hand for a long time, and you just want me to stretch it out? Shouldn't I have some physical therapy exercises first? Maybe a paraffin soak would help. I heard that they feel really good.  Maybe just some gentle massages?  That’s going to hurt for sure.”  But according to the scripture, the man simply obeyed what Jesus told him, and he stretched out his hand and “it was restored as whole as the other.”  This certainly was a miracle! There are times when we need to just stretch out our faith- when God speaks- obey immediately and don’t try to reason things out first. We will be amazed and what God can do!

 Stretch out your faith. Strengthen your spirit. Do some spiritual exercises and be amazed at what God can do in and for you. As for me and my physical therapy- I’m still sore but working through it. Sometimes we just have to work through things with the help of the Lord. He gives us the wisdom and strength to do what He has asked us to do. And I must remember to keep up the stretches and strengthening even when I am finished with physical therapy. And in the spirit, I must continue to allow the Word of God to strengthen me as I stretch out my faith.

Strengthen & Stretch!!!


Hebrew12:12 “Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame my not be dislocated, but rather be healed.” 




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