

Romans 12:2
 "...do not be conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..."


Back in the early spring, as I was praying, the Lord dropped these thoughts into my spirit:

“There is a great shift taking place in the body of Christ. God is aligning His beloved ones into a place where their destiny is more fully revealed. Those who have been living in obscurity, living righteously, living in loneliness, faithfully in the wilderness- will begin to EMERGE. Those who have been going through the process of discipline, loss, grief, pain, loneliness, etc.- are beginning to spring forth- to come forth. Dry bones as clacking together, burnt stones are reviving, death is escaping the tomb! Come forth! As Jesus cried for Lazarus to come forth, Holy Spirit is crying out- “COME FORTH! CHURCH- COME FORTH! BODY OF CHRIST- COME FORTH!”. Spring forth- emerge from the wilderness leaning on the Lord, come forth from the sorrow, grief, regrets, failures, and come forth!  Emerge into your destiny!  Into new territory. Emerge into the Light, be part of the Light and spread the Light!”

Consider the butterfly. No one really knows what goes on inside that cocoon. Scientists have an idea, but no one really knows for sure. A caterpillar creates its own cocoon and then emerges as a beautiful butterfly. During the process of coming out of the cocoon- it is very intense and hard on the butterfly. It must push its way out of the cocoon, kicking with it legs, pushing itself out. It is said that this pushing and struggle is what gives the butterfly strength in its wings.

 Hebrews 2:1 "...let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." (NLT)

Just as that butterfly, pushes and stretches, to exit that cocoon, we must push and stretch to emerge into what God has intended for us. We must seek Him for His plans and purposes in our lives- those things that He has designed into our spiritual DNA for fulfill our destiny. Of course, our first and primary purpose is to worship the Lord and live a life holy and pleasing to Him.  Then out of that will flow those practical things to complete it. 

Don't take up residence in your past. Don't remain a victim to your circumstances, to your pain and hurt-- but strip them off, give them to God, and move forward. Like that butterfly- it doesn't remain in the cocoon forever. It has inside of it- designed by God- the desire to break forth out of that cocoon, and do what butterflies do.

So, emerge! Emerge from your past. Emerge from your pain, hurt, grief or sorrow.  Let go of those things which have kept you back from serving the Lord like you know you should. And like that butterfly, you will realize that you have the wings and the strength to rise up above the world, rise up above all that has kept you down- and you will begin to experience that freedom in the Lord.

Pray. Do it today! Ask God to show you how to become just what He has designed you to become!



He gives us beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning

The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness

that we might be trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, 

that He may be glorified.

Isaiah 61:3





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