Embrace Expectancy

 "My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him".

Psalm 62:5


 Back in December I had  been sensing a hovering of God’s Spirit over me, a nearness- just like a whisp of air that comes into a room. I try to stay open to what He is up to. I felt a quivering, a stirring deep within my spirit. In prayer, I sensed that something was being birthed in my spirit. Last year it was the Women’s meetings. I have no idea at this point what it is this time. I feel new life, a new anointing, a fresh vision coming.

 It has been said that when women first sense that they are pregnant, carrying new life inside of them, that they will feel a quivering, a fluttering, like birds’ wings fluttering. That is how I was feeling.

Before the end of the year I  purchased a new planner for my desk. I usually start filling it up with appointments, birthdays, etc. But I felt to do something I had never done before. I had Keith and me lay hands on it and dedicate the new year to God.

 Psalm 62:5  I like how the New Living Translation puts it: "Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him."  That hope means "expectation".

 Habakkuk 2:3 "for the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

 Whatever it is, when we experience this special sense of expectancy, we must wait before the Lord.

I like what Susie Larson says  in "Prepare Him Room": “It takes great maturity to embrace holy contentment and holy expectancy simultaneously.” There is a fine line which we must navigate. We can't make things happen. God has His appointed times. It takes approximately nine months for a woman to deliver her baby. And sometimes it takes awhile for God to move and we must wait in anticipation, expectancy. Yes, there may be things that God is asking us to do now. But often, God has us wait, prepare. A woman takes those nine months to prepare for her new arrival. There is a lot of planning and things to do. Whenever we are  anticipating something in our lives: a vacation, a new job or career, entering into marriage, a new ministry etc- there is an appointed time and we must be diligent to prepare for that happening.

  I do not know exactly what I am sensing- if it something particular like the Women’s meetings last year  or if it is just that expectation of the “unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters” (Romans 8:18-25) Whatever it is, I know that it will be good and during the waiting process I prepare myself, even though I  don't know exactly what it is I am waiting for, but I prepare myself by reading and study of His Word, prayer, and continuing my daily activities.

We don’t know what is going to take place in the coming year. But we must embrace expectancy, embrace the mystery of God and what He is doing. 

 Are you feeling something is on the horizon? Has God given you a vision, an expectancy that you just can't put your finger on? Just keep it before the Lord, pray, study and live your life expectantly before the Lord. He will surely bring it to pass. 




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