Tear Open To Find Joy!

 "For our spiritual wealth is in Him, like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered-heaven's wisdom and endless riches of revelation knowledge."

Colossians 2:3 (TPT)

My husband and I have a 10 year old English Lab. Now, anyone who owns a pet, probably loves to pamper and spoil them. I know I do! She always follows me in the mornings to my office upstairs because she knows that I have a stash of treats in my desk drawer. I recently bought a box of mini Milk Bones. When I went to open the box, I noticed on the strip that you tear off, it read : "TEAR OPEN TO FIND JOY!" When I saw that, it set my mind on the spiritual truth of those words- "tear open to find joy!"

 How many things distract us from the real joy that comes with serving the Lord? Every day we are challenged to set aside, dig through- all the other things that try to distract and detour us from keeping our focus on Christ. Hebrew 12:1 instructs us to "lay aside every weight" and the sin that tries to cling to us- and run the spiritual race. It can be a burden, cares of the world, anxiousness, fear, anger, discouragement, depression- anything that temps us to focus on it rather than on Christ.

Tear open and find joy! When we push through, open the outer box of our feelings, cares and worries- and we dig down- we will find joy! My dog enjoyed the taste of those treats- but she had to wait for me to open the box and give them to her. In our case, we don't have to wait for someone to open the box! We just have to rip it open!

There is much anxiety and cares in the world today. There is much to be concerned with for sure- but we must open our box each morning- tear it open- and find the joy of the Lord! In the book of Nehemiah he told the people that "the joy of the Lord was their strength".  This was during the time that they were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and the captives were returning. The book of the law had been read and the people repented. Now Nehemiah told them to go about their business and let the joy of the Lord strengthen and encourage them. We, also- must go about our daily business- but we must push through all the clutter, all the clamor of what we see or hear in the news- we must open our box and find joy! We may have to push through our regrets of past sin- if you have repented and turned your life over to Christ- then let it in the past- go past your past- and reach for joy!  It is there- just sometimes we have to push through a lot to find it. 

Let that joy of the Lord carry you through each and every day. Push past all the cares and anxieties- get your mind and heart focused on the Lord. Tear open and find joy! Push through all the distractions and get into the presence of the Lord.There is where you will find all those hidden treasures that the Lord has in store for us. There is where you will find wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him! 

 There is where you find your joy!

Tear open and find joy!

 "You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore"  

Psalm 16:11

 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:19-21











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