Waiting on God


Waiting on God. I hear a lot today about "moving forward" but not too much on "waiting". Many Christians don't want to wait. The trendy teaching today is: "Go for it!" Go for your dreams!  Find your purpose- your calling. Fulfill your calling, Find your purpose, your destiny. Bookshelves are full of these kinds of books, but just look for a book on "Waiting on God."  Hard to find.

All these topics are not wrong in themselves- but sometimes, I think, we put too much emphasis on getting to where we think we should be, without a true Word from God. We spend so much time on what we want to "do" for Christ, instead of establishing a relationship with Him first- allowing Him to refine us, decrease us, purge self out of ourselves- so that we will be full of Him when we do go out. We absolutely must know our purpose and our destiny, but in order to find that, there is a certain place we must be in first.  I may be in the minority here, but there is much to be said about "waiting on God."

For me, I have found the best and surest way to find your purpose and calling is to spend time in the "Upper Room" with Jesus Christ, the secret place, the hidden chamber- where it is just you and Christ alone. In order to navigate successfully and victoriously in these last days- we must have an established and deep, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. You can't find this in a book. It is only found at His feet, time in His Word, worship, in prayer (not just your prayer lists)  but that communion with Him in the Holy of Holies. So many today want the activity of the "outer court"- the busyness, the recognition, the admiration of others (look what I am doing), etc. But God is calling His remnant into the inner chamber to commune with Him so that we will be fully equipped to fulfill our calling and purpose.

That is where I found my calling. I established a relationship with Christ a long time ago- a relationship that goes deeper than just "being saved".  Being saved is like saying, "I am just married"- with no real relationship, no communication with your spouse, no real interaction- just a piece of paper that states I was married on such and such a date. Many Christians have these pieces of paper noting when they "joined" the church, when they were baptized, perfect attendance, etc. Frame them and hang them on a wall if you wish- but that piece of paper isn't going to get you where you need to be in the days ahead! 

Through my relationship with Christ for 18 years,  I was led to my husband, to the church where I would minister the Word and my gifts. It led me to my calling as pastor's wife and intercessor and teacher, and other passions.  It was in the inner chamber with Jesus where my destiny was unveiled. It- that inner chamber, that intimate communion with my Savior- was- and still is- my highest calling.  Out of that place, He continues to unveil His plans and purpose for my life. Out of that secret place, my gifts and talents are revealed and I am given the boldness and courage to minister them. You can receive all the accolades possible from others, but they will never help you withstand in the evil day.  You have to have God's seal of approval- and that only comes out of a relationship with Him. It is out of that upper room in communion with Him, where we find the courage, compassion and boldness to do His will.

Friend- do you want to go further in your walk with Christ? Do you yearn to know your calling and purpose in these last days? Do you feel there is something more that you should be doing? I would say- to enter that chamber with Christ. Hold holy communion with Him. Be open and honest, submitting your will for His; your life for His; your ways for His. He will show you His plans and purposes. It won't be something you find in a book or online. It will be something that He directly delivers to you. Later, others will confirm it- but first and foremost- you must hear from Him. He will lead you to the right place, the right people and the right path.

Waiting on God. Not a popular subject these days. Everyone wants to keep moving at a frantic pace, feeling that they are doing something for the Lord- when actually they are not. What they are doing has never been birthed out of the secret chamber, in intimacy with the Lord, waiting on Him, having communion with Him, having interaction with Him. So many go so fast and just expect the Lord to bless what they are doing. And sometimes it is blessed and people are blessed- but eventually things will fall apart and they will become discouraged or blame God, and may never try to do anything again for God- when in reality God never sent them.  Paul went into Arabia after the Lord met him. He didn't converse with the other apostles to see what was what, what was his purpose, etc.  He went and spent time alone with the Lord- and then the Lord sent him. (Galatians 1:11-17)

Everything with God takes time. And no, we don't want to be behind the Lord and we don't want to disobey Him when He says go. We don't want to be ahead of Him either. We must be assured that what we are doing for Him has been birthed out of His spirit and not just out of our own desires.

Wait, wait I say on the Lord. You won't be sorry and you and your ministry will be steadfast, effective and will turn many to the Lord.

Wait on the Lord. 


"My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him."

Psalm 62:5



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