Covered Up

Recently I slipped and fell down our basement steps. I didn't do any major damage except sprain my writst. I was very thankful for that! But the way I reacted right after the fall brought a smile to my face later. Of course, for any of you who have fallen, you know that it kind of goes in slow motion for some reason. You know you are falling, and of course you try to stop. But it usually doesn't help and you cause more damage than if you had just relaxed and went with the fall. I had my right hand on the wooden banister but it got stuck during the fall and that is how I sprained my wrist. I realized while it was happening that my ring finger was being pulled backwords. OUCH!! When all the bouncing of my body down the steps came to a halt, my hand hurt so badly I thought I had broken it, if not the entire hand at least that ring finger. What I did next was what brought the smile later. I quickly covered it up with my left hand and just sat there crying and calling out to the Lord to help me because it hurt so badly. I was afraid to look. I just sat there with my left hand covering my right hand.

When I was a little girl I would do the same thing. If I fell or hurt myself in some way, I would cover up the bruised area and would go running to my mother, crying and saying, "Is it blooding? Is it blooding?" Yes, BLOODING is the word I used. It was only after mom would look and tell me, "No, it isn't BLOODING" that I would be brave enough to look for myself. Even if it wasn't blooding, I would make her put a band aid on it. Well, after this happening so many times I guess she ran out of band aids because she started ripping up old sheets for my bandages and wrap them around the bruises or what I had imagined to be the bruised areas. I still have pictures where you can see either my knees, legs or fingers wrapped with ripped up sheets!

Thinking about this incident and how I covered up the hurt until I called on Jesus to help me and got brave enough to look for myslef reminds me of how much God truly does love His children. In Psalms 91 verse 4 it says: "He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge;" NKJV. He coveres us with His feathers- just like that mother bird-she takes her young and hides them underneath her wings. My husband and I saw this first hand one time. We were out walking where there was a pond and many ducks were nesting there. The ducks looked twice their size. Then we saw a tiny head peak out from under one of the mother's wings and we realized that these ducks were hiding their young under their wings. What a feeling of trust and comfort those baby ducks must have had!

Just like those ducklings and just like me as a little girl running to my mother for comfort, we too can run to God when we are hurt or struggling or for any reason. He is always there to take us "under His wings", to cover us with His feathers, to comfort and soothe and heal us. Even if we aren't hurt, how comforting just to be close to Him and have Him tell us He loves us and will take care of us and keep us safe.

We are living in a very unsafe world, a world that seems to be spinning out of control. Many people, even Christians are afraid, insecure and confused. We can't allow the situations in the world to keep us from hiding under our Father's wings. We have to daily spend time in His presence, safe from harm, where there is comfort, healing and safety. Jesus will give us the strength to face whatever is to come. Just like me when I ran to my mom asking if it was blooding and only till she looked first did I have the courage to look for myself. Let Jesus look first! Let Him take your problems and then give you the strength to go through them. He alone is able to do that. We have our friends, family, co-workers and others that may come by our side during our trials and afflictions, but if we don't have Jesus Christ living inside of us and covering us with His wings, our hope is only built on shifting sands. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! Let Him take you under His wings until the storm is passed. Isaiah 26:20 tells us to enter into our chambers, shut our doors behind us and hide ourselves until the storm is over. That means we are to be hidden in Him-not just during our prayer times, but ALL the time. How can we do this? By simply allowing Him to live through us, to take everything to Him, our hurts, our joys, our everything. Allow Him to take full possession of our lives and we will be "hid with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3)

Allow Jesus to cover you with His love, His wings, His grace and His mercy.


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