Treasures Of Darkness

Isiah 45:3 (NKJV) "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel". This verse is amazing in the fact that God was speaking to Cyrus, through Isaiah the prophet, about 100 years before his birth. To think that God knows about us and speaks about us even before we are born really staggers my mind! If we ever have questioned that God doesn't know us, the Bible has many references that prove the opposite. (For example-Psalm 139).

Other than this wonderful thought, I saw something else here. He told Cyrus, that He (God) was going to give him the "treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places." In this instance this meant the literal riches of that area of Mesopotamia. But I saw something else. Now who wouldn't want some treasures and riches? Sounds pretty good to me! Most of us when we were young read stories about looking for hidden riches and the mysteries and the adventures that our heroes would go through in order to obtain those riches. Who of us didn't put ourselves into their shoes and loved to go exploring in hopes of finding some hidden treasures? This is a wonderful thought! But wait- the treasures here were of "darkness". We want the treasures but we don't want to go through the darkness to get them.

Many are going through times of darkness and sorrow-physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually. I can't imagine what it would be like to not have the Lord to help me through these days. But our times of darkness may not be all that bad. We should take the time to discover what the Lord would have for us during those times. When I realized that a particular struggle I was going through was from the the Lord, I, then began to look and find out what God was doing. He was drawing me unto Him. He was causing me to be less dependent upon others and more dependent upon Him. It is a time of separation, a time to be called aside. When we break through that darkness, whatever it may be, we will find a greater Presence of the Lord around and within us. We enter into a deeper love relationship with Christ than what we had known previously.

In the original, this word for darkness can mean misery, death, sorrow, destruction or gloom. It can be anything that causes us pain-emotional or physical. It is something that God is allowing in order to bring us closer to Him. We know that a life that has had everything its own way, has never seen adversity or trials, really has nothing to offer to the Lord or to others around them. It is THROUGH adversity, THROUGH trials and times of darkness that our faith is strengthened and grows. We won't grow spiritually if we don't experience adversity. We won't benefit the Kingdom of God if we are not put to the test. Everything and everyone that is worthwhile has gone through this time of testing. No one is exempt. The Bible offers so many examples of this- a few being Joseph, Moses, Abraham- not to mention the apostles in the New Testament and Jesus Christ Himself! If you want to be a perfect specimen with no scars tucked away in some display cabinet that is your choice. Choose not to be tested and examined and that is where you will end up. But it is only those who have gone through those times of darkness and have found the hidden riches of Jesus Christ.

We need to go back to the last part of Isaiah 45:3- the Lord tells us why we must go through this- to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ. He wants us to know who He is- the Lord-Jehovah-Self-Existent or Eternal Jehovah! He knows our name, now He wants us to know His. Jesus Christ Himself are the riches that we find in the darkness. It is His presence, His strength, His goodness and blessings that we find during those times of separation, adversity and darkness. The secret place-in the original means a covering, hiding place or protection. Psalm 91:1 says that he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. In Exodus 25:22 the Lord was speaking with Moses about the Ark of the Testimony. It was here that God's Presence would meet with the High Priest. One of the meanings for meet was "betrothed". After Christ's resurrection and His sending of the Holy Spirit, a way was made for each individual to become a priest. When we repent and turn to the Lord, allowing the Lord to take over our lives, we can be filled with His precious Holy Spirit. We then become priests unto God. We can enter into this kind of relationship with Jesus Christ! That is just amazing! We become "betrothed" to Jesus Christ. It is in the secret place! That place where we find the riches and treasures of darkness- it is Jesus Christ Himself! God does not only desire a relationship with His people but this day He is requiring it. The trials and afflictions that the body of Christ is going through are for a purpose-to bring us closer to Him. To bring us into a greater intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. We may be feeling like we are going through a time of darkness, a time of suffering or a time of sorrow and grief. But there are treasures in that darkness- the treasure being the manifest Presence of Jesus Christ. I am to the point that NOTHING satisfies me! I find no satisfaction in most of what I do. I enjoy my life, my husband, my family, friends and church of course! But I am realizing more and more that it is ONLY in my relationship with Jesus Christ that I find true satisfaction. The struggles, the sadness, the loneliness and pain-draw me to Him. It draws me into that secret place where it is only about Him.

The body of Christ has to come to the realization that it is not the programs, the schedules or activities that bring in the Presence of the Lord. But it will be the relationship that each Christian has with Jesus Christ on an individual measure and then when we come together corporately, as we pray, praise and worship the Lord that this will usher in the Presence of the Lord. It will break the chains and tear down the walls which the enemy has built. God is calling each one of us, but not all will enter into that secret place. Some will be satisfied where they are, doing what they have always done. And they may or may not get by. Others will heed the call into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ that surpasses anything they have ever experience before.

Treasures of darkness- hidden riches of secret places- it is only found in the secret place of the Most High- at the feet and the heart of Jesus Christ.


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