And You Thought You Had a Bad Day

 In continuing with the subject of integrity this bring us to the man Job. In one day Job had his 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 donkeys stolen and the servants that tended them were killed by raiders. His 7000 sheep and the servants that tended them were burned up and then worst of all, his 10 children were all killed by a violent storm! In all that it says that Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong. Then later Job was afflicted with terrible boils all over his body and his wife told him to curse God and die. But Job HELD FAST TO HIS INTEGRITY (2:3) In the end God restored all that he had lost- actually In some things He gave him twice as much as he had before. Whatever we go through, if we maintain our integrity before God and live righteously, God will bring us through the trial.

In chapter 2:3- God told satan that Job "still holds fast to his integrity, although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without a cause." Our trials are not meant to destroy us but to establish and deepen our relationship in Christ. Also it causes us to be an example to others of what God can do through someone who is willing to humble themselves and call out to God and during the entire ordeal to hold fast to our integrity and not blame God foolishly. It was during Paul's most severe testings that his integrity was proved. Usually he even took his trials a step further by continually praising God and declaring His goodness and mercy. This would lead many souls to Jesus Christ. We must remember that some of the "things" we go through may not have anything to do with us. It is God's way of proving us and showing to others His love, mercy and grace. It isn't about us- it is ALL about Him! There is a much bigger picture that we have to see in order to find and live in that peace during our difficult times- especially in these days. God is doing a greater work than what we can see with our natural eyes. There is a MUCH BIGGER PURPOSE taking place than whether or not we get our prayers answered.

If we hold on, stand strong and praise the Lord continually for WHO is He is- we will begin to see things happen in those around us and in the situations that we face. We must remember WHO really is in charge.


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