International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Remember that tomorrow- Sunday, November 13 is the IDOP for our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters. We should be praying for all Christians on a regular basis, but this day has been set aside as an international event. Remember those who in prison or being persecuted for their faith. The following link will take you to one of the websites

Hebrews 13:3-- "Remember the prisoners as if chained with them-those who are mistreated-since you yourselves are in the body also."

The following list is some of the things that I pray for them. As you begin to pray for our brothers and sisters the Lord will lead you into the direction He desires. We must identify with the body of Christ-not just those we know, or who worship like we do or who look like us. The Church in the free world must begin to recognize the rest of the body.
1. Pray that their faith remains strong and that they are great witnesses to their persecutors of the love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ.

2. Pray for the families that have loved ones in prison or have been killed. Women have lost their means of support after their husbands have been taken away.

3. Pray that the churches will continue to thrive and grow in spite of the adversity and persecution. Many churches have been destroyed and gospel literature confiscated.

4. Pray that the Christians will use wisdom- they may have to go underground in certain areas.

5. Pray that the rulers of those nations will have their hearts softened and that the laws of those nations would be changed to allow people to worship as they desire. This can be fatal in some countries. Some in authority have already lost their lives because they were sympathetic towards the Christians.

6. Pray that the guards that watch over the prisoners would show kindness and compassion to the prisoners.

7. Pray for those in prison that they stay faithful and use this time to witness to others of love of Jesus Christ.

8. Pray for those who have been sentenced to death that they will remain faithful and also that they will be released and that the blasphemy law will be banned.

9. Pray for those who go into these countries to bring medical help, legal help, humanitarian help, and for those who distribute the Word of God. Pray that they will be heavily anointed to bring deliverance of satan’s strongholds in those areas.

10. Pray that the Word of God that is being smuggled into those areas will reach its intended destination and that those receiving it will have open hearts to receive the message of Jesus Christ.


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