Blank Pages

For many years I have kept a journal. I just purchased a new one for the new year. A new year! Like my new journal it is full of “empty pages’- ready to be filled! I’m excited to see what the Lord is going to do this year. Often He gives me a verse or thought to take me into the new year-but this year He did not. But I’m still excited and anticipating what He is going to do.

No resolutions- I usually break them before the month is over. I just have a determination to continue on reaching for the “prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”- Philippians 3:14.

Pastor’s message this morning began with: “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision” then went into Exodus and Deuteronomy on the servant-after serving for 6 years- could chose to go free. If not-if he wished to stay with his master- his master would pierce his ear with an awl- a symbol of ownership. Oh, how I want that! But there is a price.

I am reading Elizabeth Elliot’s “Through Gates of Splendor”, the story of five missionaries who were trying to reach a remote tribe in Ecuador with the gospel of Jesus Christ. They had already made up their minds that they were the Lord’s servants even if it meant death. Those five men were martyred for their faith. Those five men paid the ultimate price-their lives- to do the Lord’s will. I know there is so much more I could and should be doing for the Lord. I want to be more obedient to His voice. One of those men said that when you find what the Lord’s will is, you should do it “to the hilt”. Put your whole heart and soul into it. Do it with all your strength, everything you have.

A new year-a book full of blank pages. What is going to be written down in the days, weeks and months to come? What will your life’s pages be filled with? My prayer is that mine is filled with great exploits for God. He may not call me to a foreign country but I can still do great exploits simply by being obedient to what He is asking me to do- here and now.


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