
Showing posts from June, 2012

Consider the Firefly

John 3:30 : “He must increase, but I must decrease- He must grow more prominent, I must grow less so.” (Amplified Version) I recently taught a Bible Study on this verse. Jesus Christ must be manifested in our life. He is the One that is to be seen, not us. Yes, God uses people- but the world should see Jesus Christ in us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 states: “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” And Colossians 1:27 tells us that Jesus Christ in us is the hope of glory. All through the New Testament you can find verses that tell us that Jesus Christ is this treasure inside of us—we are the clay pots and He is the treasure. Others should not see the clay pot- they should see the treasure- Jesus Christ- inside of us. In order for this to happen, we must decrease—yield our lives to Him, submit our wills to Him—and Christ must increase- be magnified in our bodies and in our lives, be Lord of all we say and do. While st

Wind Song

A few years ago my husband and I had the opportunity to visit Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. It is located near the Blue Ridge Parkway in Linville and is one of the highest peaks in the Blue Ridge Mountains. One of the main attractions there is the Mile High Swinging Bridge, a 228 foot galvanized steel suspension bridge which spans an 80 foot chasm and is one mile high in elevation. On the bridge a person has a 360 degree panoramic view of the beautiful mountains and scenery below. As I always do when planning a vacation I spend hours on the computer, looking up web sites of the places we are going to visit. This was going to be one of the highlights of our southern trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway. I gazed for countless hours at the photographs and imagined what it was going to be like once we got on the bridge. I could have never imagined just what the experience would mean to me. The ride to the top was a twisty winding road that at times seemed to direct our car s