What's In Your Mission Statement?

2 Corinthians 3: 18 "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."

Years ago when I worked for a particular company I was given the opportunity to take a course in personal goal setting, priorities and creating and implementing a personal mission statement. At this time I did create a personal mission statement and have revised it several times over the years as my priorities and circumstances have changed. In it I of course applied my walk with the Lord as the highest priority in my life and have continued to do that. I had a fairly detailed list of the things that my husband and I would have accomplished by now in our ministry. Many companies and even churches have created their mission statements outlining their priorities and goals. This in itself is not a bad thing. It isn't wrong to set goals high and work towards them.

Over the past couple years and especially the last few months, God has been dealing with me on some personal issues involving my priorities and my own personal (spiritual) mission statement. I always thought that my husband and I would be in "full time" ministry by now and that things would be very different than what they are. Having entered into my 60's has brought many new revelations to my spirit. I have been looking back over my life and seeing all those things that I fully intended to accomplish and did not. I have been looking at where I am today, spiritually, physically and socially-and seeing the lack or surplus of accomplishments of my goals. I don't know if everyone who hits this time of life goes into a kind of realization of what life really is about- but I sure did. But one thing the Lord revealed to me in a greater way is that He is not so interested in the things we have accomplished or the goals we have achieved- but is more interested in HOW we are responding to the things that happen in our lives- good or bad. Elijah learned that it wasn't in the big things-- the earthquake, wind and fire-- but it was in the "small" things- in the "still small voice" of God. (I Kings 19:11-18).  Our lives can be summed up- not by the big accomplishments- but by all the "little" things that we have done in the Name of the Lord. He is not as concerned with how big our ministry is, how many people are in our church, how many programs we have- etc-- but He is interested in how we treat the people that God does send our way. How do we treat our neighbors- even the ones who are not neighborly? What do our actions show? It really is in the little, every day things that are the most important to the Lord- our actions, ministry to others, reaching out to others, making ourselves available to the Lord's work-whatever that may be.  He never asked us to be famous- just faithful. James 1:27 is just one example from Scripture that shows us what pure religion is all about:"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." What ever we do in Jesus Name- big or small-is observed by God.

We are earthen vessels--2 Corinthians 4:7 "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us." On the outside- our vessel may be full of chips, broken and missing pieces- our shiny veneer may be worn off- but the TREASURE inside is the image of Jesus Christ. So many have the equation backwards-- ministry + works = success. But the truth is-- the foundation of the equation is the transformation into His image. Being transformed results in ministry and works of faith and love. Not the other way around.

Love is the key and we can't have this kind of love without being transformed into His image which is created, sustained and continues in the pure love of God. Others may see our broken, chipped and scarred vessel and judge that we have not accomplished God's purpose in our lives. But the one with  a true spiritual eye will see what is INSIDE our common looking vessel--the image of Jesus Christ! Our personal world may crash around us and fall at our side-- but as a true Christian--these things will only make the TREASURE inside to be manifested to the world. Some flowers must be crushed in order to release their fragrance. It is the same with those committed to being transformed into His image. Man looks on the outside- but God sees the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

What is in your mission statement? Do you even have one? It isn't necessary to have one written on paper- but we must have one written in our hearts. I am going to revise mine again with just one statement: "My mission in this life is to be transformed into the image of Christ."  After that- everything else will fall in line- ministry will proceed out of that.  I feel a lot like Paul when he said in 1 Corinthians 3:2 "For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified."  With this attitude and goal- I won't have to worry about all the things I have or have not accomplished in my life- it is enough to know I am being transformed into His image.


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