John 10:1-11
I recall as a little girl in Sunday School seeing those beautiful and comforting pictures of Christ as the Shepherd with the sheep. It was always such a peaceful scene and I still enjoy the thought to this day. Jesus Christ- our Good Shepherd! What more could we want! If you have ever did any reading on the subject of shepherds you know that it is very interesting. I always picture the shepherd as the great defender of the sheep, warding off wild animals and making sure each and every sheep stayed safe. I have heard that at some point throughout each day, the shepherd spends some time with each individual sheep, looking it over to make sure it didn't have any pests that would cause disease and looking for bruises or anything that would cause harm to the sheep. I have read that he would anoint the sheep's head with oil, especially around the nose to keep parasites from entering into the sheep and causing disease and probably death. He carried a staff, a large rod with a hook on one end for protection and rescuing any sheep that was going astray. He also carried a flute to play soft music so the sheep would remain calm and not become anxious. How the shepherd loves his sheep! He doesn't drive them- but He leads them along. If he drove them from behind, the sheep would scatter, because they say sheep are actually dumb animals and can't find their own way. So the good shepherd will lead them.
This scripture reference is a beautiful picture of our Good Shepherd - Jesus Christ. He leads His sheep, He calls them by name and the sheep know His voice. He doesn't drive the sheep but leads them safely and the sheep follow Him. Jesus is also the Door to the sheepfold. No one can come into the sheepfold except through Jesus Christ.  Acts 4:12 states "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.". John 14:6b "No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Jesus, as the Good Shepherd gave His life for His sheep. He died in order for us to live! He truly had us in mind while He hung on that cross. And the great thing is that He didn't just die, He rose again and sent His Spirit to live inside of us! He not only is our Good Shepherd- but His Spirit lives in us!
What a wonderful Savior we have! He loves us, protects us, leads us, and knows us each by name! We, as His sheep know His voice and follow Him. We should be striving to know His voice more and more in these last days. Many voices are out there- many vie for our attention and end up distracting us. But we must seek the Lord always, push out those things in our minds and our lives that clutter up our hearing- and listen for that "still small voice". We must bask in His presence always and fine tune our spirits to hear His voice. Verse 5-"Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of the stranger."  We must be sure that we are hearing His voice and not that of a stranger. This comes by spending time with Him- in prayer and worship and study of the Word.
Jesus the Good Shepherd! Is He your Shepherd today?
Psalm 100:3 "Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture."
 Isaiah 40:11-He will feed His flock like a shepherd. He will gather the lambs with His arms, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young.”

Dear Lord- thank You that You are our Good Shepherd and that You gave Your life for us. Help us as we continue to listen to Your voice so that we can follow You wherever You would have us go. In Christ's Name- Amen.




  1. Thank you. Brought tears of joy to my eyes when I read your thoughts on the Shepherd.
    Softening the heart with words of the Shepherd, you have been Blessed. A Mighty gift and you are obedient.


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