Memorial Stones

Joshua 4:1-8
Verse 7: "Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever." 

The children of Israel had just crossed the Jordan River. The Lord told Joshua to take 12 men, one from each tribe, and carry a stone out of the midst of the Jordan and carry them to the other side- to the place they were going to lodge that night. It was to be a memorial to the generations that would follow.
As I was recently doing a study in these verses, I got thinking about these memorial stones. It was to be a reminder, a memorial, of what took place, of what God had done. He miraculously parted the river in order for the Hebrews to pass over to the other side. They would be arriving in Canaan, and though there was a lot still to be conquered, they were entering into a new way of living. No longer would their enemies be pursing them, but they would be routing out their enemies and taking and possessing the land. The memorial stones would remind their children, and their grand children of what took place there on the banks of the Jordan.

How many times do we face Jordan rivers in our lives? One of the definitions for Jordan is death. It meant death to their old way of life. When we go through trials and afflictions, we should take the attitude that it is bringing forth death to something in our lives. Not death to us- but death to more of the old life. I thought how we should be bringing memorial stones with us to the other side each time we come through something difficult in our lives. God will see us through, for sure, and we come to the other side with a stone-- a testimony, a memorial- to what God did in and for us! We use these memorial stones to remind ourselves what God did and to tell others what God did. It's not something tangible- but a testimony to God's goodness! It is a testimony that we could have only gotten at the bottom of our Jordan. 

A few years ago, my sister-in-law had cancer and went through chemo therapy and then radiation. She took the joyful attitude of life-- it wasn't going to get her and with the help and strength of the Lord she came through to the other side. Even though, much of the time, she was weak and not feeling well- she still encouraged others. And she brought with her some memorial stones- testimonies of what God had did for her while she was going through that affliction. She did and still does share the goodness of the Lord. She has a testimony to tell others. She brought some memorial stones with her. 

I feel bad for the person who goes through a sickness or financial difficulty, or any difficulty- but then has no testimony. Even though God brought them out to the other side- they complain bitterly about all they had to go through. And then when someone they know is facing a similar situation- all they can offer is negative stuff- which doesn't help the other person at all. Oh how God must smile on the one who can sing His praises during and after the trial! And, oh, how much encouragement when that person offers up their memorial stones- their testimony to what God did for them-- and says: "He did it for me, I know He can do it for you!" Never take for granted or negatively talk away the blessings of God. He daily loads us up with benefits! And it is up to us to tell others about what He did for us- to show those memorial stones to others in need.


Lord, help me when I go through difficult times to always expect You to part the waters at some point. And taking with me memorial stones out of the depth of my trial so that I can always remember what You have done for me and to tell others about Your goodness. In Christ's name, I pray, Amen.


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