My Father's Nature

2 Peter 1:3,4 "..His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness... you may be partakers of the divine nature..."


Many years ago when I first started out on my own, I needed new tires for my car. I went to a certain auto store that my father had done business with many times. When I found out the price of the tires, I told the salesman- the same man my father had often had business with, that I didn't have enough money to pay for them in full. He said, "I knew your father and his word was good. You are your father's daughter and I trust that your word is good also." I was humbled. I already knew that my father was a great man and respected and that his word was good, but to have this man say this to me was inspiring.  Back in the day, many contracts were signed by a handshake and a word. Now, in my father's name, I was being trusted to fulfill my end of the bargain. And I did. I never forgot the trust that that salesman had in me because of my father.

In the spiritual realm, many Christians use the name of Jesus like a magic wand. But what we need to realize is that His "name" means His nature. It is the nature of Christ and God, our Father, that is what we are saying. Not just some mantra to speak over a situation, but it is to manifest the very nature of our Father. In the Passion Translation Hebrews 1:3 states: "The Son is the dazzling radiance of God's splendor, the exact expression of God's true nature- His mirror image!."  We, as Christians, bear the name of our Father's nature- Jesus Christ. But we must back that name up by our character, our lifestyle, our behavior. We also must be a mirror image of our Father's nature. We must let our Father's nature take over us to the point that we become "one". See John 17:20-26. Having  such a close, intimate relationship with Christ- so that when people come in contract with us, they will realize that our Father's nature has overtaken us.  It isn't enough just to say we are a Christian or believe in God. We must bear His nature, His attributes, His character.  We must back up our name.

Just as I had to back up my earthly father's name by returning and paying in full for the price of the tires, to keep my contract with that salesman- to prove that I did, in fact, bear my father's name- his nature- so I, as a believer must back up the name that I bear- Jesus Christ.  This comes through a relationship with Christ- prayer, communion, obedience to His word- a life that bears the same nature and attributes as the Name. 



 "Salvation is easy because it cost God so much, but the manifestation of it in my life is difficult."  Oswald Chambers

"Therefore, my out your own salvation with fear and trembling."  Philippians 2:12



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