Full Status or Status Quo?

Romans 8:18-23 
 Vs. 18- 19 "I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God's glorious sons and daughters! "  

 Vs. 23 "And it's not just creation. We who have already experienced the firstfruits of the Spirit also inwardly groan as we passionately long to experience our full status as God's sons and daughters-including our physical bodies being transformed."


Full status or status quo? According to Webster's on-line dictionary "status quo" means "the existing state of affairs."  "normalcy", "normality".  It means never wanting change- just leave things the way they are. In the scripture above- those Christians who want to go further with God, those Christians who long for more than just the status quo- those who long for more of Christ and His kingdom- they long for that "full status" as sons and daughters of God! In other words, they are tired of the routine, run in mill religion. They want something that is vibrant, something that is alive, something that is worth living for and worth giving to others- full status!

In order to navigate through the days in which we are living- we must have a passion for all that we can reach in God! We must have a passion for the lost; a passion to bring about change through a vibrant, living relationship with Jesus Christ! We are called to a destiny, to fulfill God's plan for our individual lives- and in order to reach that destiny- we must no longer accept the status quo in our lives. We must press on for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We must be willing to let go of our pasts, and move forward into God- reaching forward to those things which are ahead. (Philippians 3:13,14).

We are presently living in the end days which the Bible talks about so frequently. If the apostles thought the end days were just around the corner, how much closer are we- to the summing up of all things? We are living in that day! And in order to live victoriously in this day, we must be prepared to fight the good fight- and we can not do that standing somewhere on the sidelines, wishing that we were somewhere else.  We have been anointed and appointed to fulfill our individual destinies. We are destined for more than the status quo and have been empowered by the Holy Ghost with authority to live the gospel, to preach and teach the gospel! We can not settle for average or for the status quo!

The pressure is on. The fire is heating up. God is looking for His body, His children to step up to the plate and stand in the gap for the lost world. Are we willing to pay the price? Are we willing to give up our own ideas and dreams, and lay them down and seek God for what He wants us to do? Are we willing to pay the price of laying down our own wills and allowing God to do inside of us what He wants to do? Are we willing to give God full control of our lives? Read Hebrews 11 and acquaint yourselves with the real heroes of faith. Read Foxxe's Book of Martyrs and read about some of the great men and women of God who gave their lives for the gospel. Search out some modern day missionaries who have allowed God to place them in some of the remotest areas of the world- see how much they sacrifice- many their own lives. And then ask this question- do you think they settled for the status quo- or did they want all that God had in mind? 

I ask this not just of you, the reader, but I ask this of myself also. Am I tired of the status quo? Am I weary of the normal day to day religious duties- or do I want a vibrant, fully alive relationship with Jesus Christ- one that the fire will spread to others around me. I want my life to mean more than just lip service. I want it to have more substance than just the normal Christian. I want to go deeper with God, go higher in God, go forward with God- to continue to press on for that prize of the high calling. I want my life to mean more than just having my needs met, feeling good and satisfied. I want it to count for Jesus Christ. And in order to do this, I have to be willing to give up my will, my plans and allow God to have that full control. Where He leads- I go. What He tells me to say- I say. It is costly- the real cost is our own lives, our own wills, our pride and comfort.

Full status- or status quo? Which will it be? As for me- I want the full status of a daughter of the Most High- as an anointed and appointed daughter of the King. Yes, a price I must pay- but it will be totally worth it when I hear Him say: "Well, done My faithful daughter. Enter into the joy of your Lord." 


Dear Lord,

Help each one of us today to consider the cost of leaving it all behind, picking up our cross and following You. Help us to realize that time is short and there is no better time than now to decide to allow You full control of our lives. We want to be those sons and daughters whom you consider to have full status- full maturity- whatever the cost. Now is the time if we are going to serve the Lord, to do it before time runs out and we will eternally regret not doing it.

In Christ's precious Name, Amen.





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