
Showing posts from April, 2010

Covered Up

Recently I slipped and fell down our basement steps. I didn't do any major damage except sprain my writst. I was very thankful for that! But the way I reacted right after the fall brought a smile to my face later. Of course, for any of you who have fallen, you know that it kind of goes in slow motion for some reason. You know you are falling, and of course you try to stop. But it usually doesn't help and you cause more damage than if you had just relaxed and went with the fall. I had my right hand on the wooden banister but it got stuck during the fall and that is how I sprained my wrist. I realized while it was happening that my ring finger was being pulled backwords. OUCH!! When all the bouncing of my body down the steps came to a halt, my hand hurt so badly I thought I had broken it, if not the entire hand at least that ring finger. What I did next was what brought the smile later. I quickly covered it up with my left hand and just sat there crying and calling out to the Lor