Diluted and Deluded Christians

Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

To be crucified with Christ means that we have given everything to Him. We are no longer our own. He is Lord over EVERY area of our lives. In this country in this day that we are living, we find many so-called Christians who do not agree with this as it is evidenced by their lives. They claim that they "love the Lord", go to church, read their Bible--- but--- the proof is in their lives- their lifestyle, their behavior, what takes up their time, where their passion lies. Yes, we all live busy lives and many responsibilities call us.  But over and above all that- there has to be a love for the Lord that shows through everything they do and say-- their priorities are in order.
Many Christians have become diluted. They may have started out strong and pure for the Lord, but as the "honeymoon" slipped away-- other things took the place of their love and passion for the Lord.  He rebuked the loveless Church in Ephesus (Revelation 2:4).  Other things came in and diluted their pure love for the Lord. And this is happening much to Christians today- especially in this country. There are so many things vying for our attention, and if we don't keep our priorities straight and in order- those other things come in and dilute our love and passion for the Lord.

A diluted Christian becomes a deluded Christian. The delusion comes in by saying-- "You don't have to be so Christlike. Just be a normal, everyday guy. You can let down on some of your convictions. It's okay. God understands that you have had a hard time, that you are busy and have many responsibilities.  Go ahead. Loosen up a little. It won't hurt. You're still a good person. God still loves you." These are lies from Satan and will cause us to stumble and fall eventually. We can not succumb to the lies and deception of the enemy.

There is much mixture in the Church today--mixture with the world. But God calls us to be separate. He calls us to be pure and holy. And those who are truly in love with the Lord will have no problem with living holy lives. They know that it pleases Him and that is all that matters to them. God is looking for these kind of Christians today. Those who have not bowed down to the lies of the enemy, those who have not replaced their passion for the Lord with passion for worldly attractions: sports, recreation, entertainment, food and beverage, etc. Even our families and work can cause us to become diluted if we let them. There have to be priorities set in a family and an understanding that the Lord comes first in your home. All other things must fall beneath.  It's not that God doesn't want us to have those things mentioned above-- it's just that when they take the place and use up the time that we should be using for the Lord- that is when it becomes wrong and dangerous.

Have you become a diluted Christian? Are you being deluded by Satan? It's never too late to return to your first love- Jesus Christ. It's never too late to stir up that passion once again. He requires it especially in these last days- where we are going to need all the strength and power that God can give us to get through the end times. It will only come from him. Examine yourself and see if you are in the faith. Ask God to reveal to you those areas where you have lost your first love, those areas that have caused you to compromise, those areas that are hindering you from being all you can be in the Lord.


Dear Lord,
Help me to see those areas in my life where the passion has been replaced with other things. Lord forgive me for allowing myself to be diluted and deluded and help me return to my first love- Jesus Christ.  Amen.


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