A Refuge in God

Psalm 91:1,2: "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him will I trust.'"

The word "refuge" means shelter, hope, a place of trust, shelter from the storm. We have a large Mock Orange bush in our yard. All winter long, the little finches have found their shelter and food in its branches. The bush is untrimmed, so there are straggly branches that come out the top and sides, but as the bush goes down to the ground, it becomes more dense. There were times this winter, that I didn't even know the birds were in there until I would open the back door and walk out onto the porch. Then I would see dozens of birds fly out of the bush to a nearby utility wire.

Recently something very interesting happened. My husband and I were getting ready to leave the house and I spotted a large hawk sitting on the fence beside the bush. We were wanting to get a picture of the hawk, but what took place next caused me to be distraught. The hawk flew into the bush after the little birds. Now I know it is nature's way-- the hawk needs to eat- right? But I don't need to be an unwilling observer while he is doing it. He threw open his large wings and dove into the bush. I began praying for the little birds that they would evade the hungry hawk. I am going from the back door window to the dining room window watching this action take place, all the while pleading with God to keep those little birds safe. But it was my husband that pointed out to me what was taking place. The little birds were going deep into the bush where the hawk couldn't get to them. Still being in winter the bush didn't have leaves on it yet, so we had a clear picture of what was happening. Several times the hawk tried to get to the birds and each time he failed because the birds went down into the middle of the bush where the branches were dense and the hawk wasn't able to get in there.

Some of the little birds didn't get the hint, and they flew out of the bush, but out of harm's way-thank God! I am squeamish when it comes to these things of "nature" and didn't want any of those birds to be this hawk's dinner. But, glad to say-- all the birds escaped the "fowler" and the hawk went flying down the back ally to spy out another place to hopefully get his dinner (out of my view!)

Then my husband brought out a comparison to those Christians that stay in the "secret place of the Most High". When we are in this place, the enemy can't get to us. We dive down deep into the dense Presence of the Lord where the enemy can't find us. Sometimes- as those little birds did- some Christians don't stay there. When danger comes, instead of going down deeper into the Lord, they fly away- right into the path of the one who wants to devour them. They want to do things their own way. We must stay "hidden with Christ in God." (Col. 3:3)  We must stay in the shelter of the Lord's arm. We must stay in that "secret place" with God. Do like those little finches did- they went deep into the bush for their safety. Stay close to God at all times, for we never know when a hungry hawk or roaring lion is going to come looking for us. God is our protector, but we must be hid with Him.


Psalm 46:1: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble."


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