
Showing posts from November, 2019

Toppled Cakes - It's The Christ Within

"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me..." Galatians 2:20   My husband and I enjoy watching a particular baking show. I am by no means a great baker. But I learn a few things by watching others. The contestants have three opportunities each day to show off their baking talents.  Although the judges are looking for a spectacular appearance, they judge mostly by how the product tastes.  On one particular show the contestants were to bake an exquisite looking and tasting cake.  One contestant, after he had worked so hard on his beautiful several tiered cake, the cake toppled over just before he had to present it to the judges.  It didn't look too appetizing after that.  But when the judges tasted it, he still got good reviews on his cake- because of what was inside . I thought about this along with the verse- "Christ lives in me" .  It is the Christ within that matters most.  It is the fruit of our fa