Extravagant Devotion Series ~ Summary

Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9
Concluding our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means "exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary". We have been looking into how Mary displayed extravagant devotion to Christ. We saw how it opens the door to the prophetic, the cost, a servant's heart, breaking the flask and how Mary stayed focused on Jesus even though she was misunderstood.

 Extravagant Devotion
It is spending more than necessary.
It encompasses and infuses our entire being.
It will cost us time, our will or even our relationships.
It will lead us into a humble servant life.
It will require us to stay focused on Christ-
It will require us to keep our eyes fixed on the One we worship.

It will cost us the breaking of our wills which will allow the fragrant oil of the Holy Spirit to pour out of our lives and flow into the lives of others.

God is seeking those who seek Him. Those who desire and seek to live a life inflamed with extravagant devotion- a life that thrives and not just survives.  
It is a life overflowing with His Spirit.

Choose to move in, dig down and stretch out! Do something radical for Jesus- extravagant devotion will lead us.


Dear Father,
Thank You so much for Mary's example of extravagant devotion. Help me to truly put this into practice in my everyday life. May my thoughts be constantly towards You, my gifts and talents offered up for Your use and glory. May my worship be a sweet-smelling fragrance to You. May You be satisfied with my life as I offer it up daily as a living sacrifice unto You.
In Jesus' Lovely Name,


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