
Showing posts from July, 2024

A Call to Repentance (Video)

 Preaching starts about 12 minutes in after worship 

Waiting on God

  Waiting on God. I hear a lot today about "moving forward" but not too much on "waiting". Many Christians don't want to wait. The trendy teaching today is: "Go for it!" Go for your dreams!  Find your purpose- your calling. Fulfill your calling, Find your purpose, your destiny. Bookshelves are full of these kinds of books, but just look for a book on "Waiting on God."  Hard to find. All these topics are not wrong in themselves- but sometimes, I think, we put too much emphasis on getting to where we think we should be, without a true Word from God. We spend so much time on what we want to "do" for Christ, instead of establishing a relationship with Him first- allowing Him to refine us, decrease us, purge self out of ourselves- so that we will be full of Him when we do go out. We absolutely must know our purpose and our destiny, but in order to find that, there is a certain place we must be in first.  I may be in the minority here, bu

A Call to Repentance

    This is NOT a national prayer, as many today have made it out to be. It is a prayer that the Church should be praying for the Church. When Solomon wrote this, it was for the nation Israel. But God is telling His CHURCH- that we must obey this command    2 Chronicles 7:12-22   The following contains excerpts of a message I preached on Sunday, July 7, 2024. God had woke me up in the middle of the night and gave me this message. I had already had a message prepared and ready to go, but God changed it. With all that is going on in the world and our nation today- this message is, I can say, directly God's desire for His people. It isn't anything new and many have spoken, preached and written about it. But it is time for the Church- God's people- who are called by His name, to repent- to humble ourselves, seek Him and His will, pray and turn from our own individual ways- and He will- and does- hear from heaven. He will heal us as a Church- and He will bring healing into our