Stay Focused

Recently I had my little sanctuary invaded by a six month old fur ball also known as Lucy. My husband and I were puppy sitting for his sisters' little dog. I and our four year old English Lab would sit back in amazement and wonder at this little power packed, energetic and fearless 15 pounds of fluff. Barking at just about everything including the ceiling light in the kitchen, this little energizer of a pup, I think, would try to tackle a bear, given half a chance.

One day as I sat by and watched this wonder, I thought, how much she reminded me of new Christians, including myself at one time. They are so full of zeal that they will tackle any spiritual thing, real or imaginary. Many Christians, sad to say, stay in this level of maturity. They are very unfocused on what is really important. Like this pup, they don’t want or haven’t learned to “cuddle” up to their Master. They want to always be on the go, here, there and everywhere never taking the time to draw close to Jesus, to really get to know Him, to really form a relationship.  And like little Lucy, they wear themselves out, and then collapse in a corner for a bit, only to get back up and start the whole process all over again.

Since my years are starting to add up,  I am learning to focus my energy on what is important instead of expending myself on trivial things and then not be up for the more important things. I plan ahead for the major projects that I need to do around the house so I don’t get so worn out. Spiritually, I am learning the same thing. I am learning to focus on small portions of scripture instead of just reading large portions at one sitting. I am also learning to target my prayers and to be more specific in my prayers instead of trying to pray for everything at once. It just becomes a list of “prayer requests” when I try to pray for everything at one time and it only wears me out.  I prefer to “cuddle” with the Lord first, to enter into His Presence,  to praise, worship and give thanks to Him for all His blessings. I find this way I am  not so anxious and overwhelmed about all the needs, but I take the time to listen to Him first.  Spending quality time with the Lord is never a waste of time and it is then and there that He will lay specific things on my heart to pray for. Taking smaller portions of scripture at a time and meditating over it throughout the day brings new life and insight into His word, as well as giving me new spiritual strength.

In these days of much evil and danger we must make that time to simply draw close to the Lord. It will be His Presence and Word that will take us through victorious to the end. Unlike that little pup that is so focused on non essential things, we need to stay focused on Christ. We need to allow Him to show us those things which must be targeted; to spend time alone with Him, cuddled up and hearing what He has to say.

Come up a little higher.
Make good use of your spiritual energy and prayers.
Stay focused on Jesus Christ.

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12:12

 "One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in His temple."  Psalm 27:4

~ ~ Donna


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