Extravagant Devotion Series ~ (Part 3) A Servant's Heart Disclosed


Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9
We are continuing our Extravagant Devotion Series. “Extravagant” means exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary. We are looking into how Mary displayed this extravagant devotion to Christ when she anointed Him.  We first saw how it opens the door to the prophetic and how costly it is.  Today we are going to look into the “servant heart” of this deep devotion.

John 12:3 This act of anointing Christ disclosed Mary’s servant heart.  In those days and in that area, it was the custom to anoint a guest’s head and to provide water for their feet.  The Amplified Study Bible states: “Anointing Jesus’ head was an act of honor but anointing His feet was a display of devotion."  Normally only servants handled a person’s feet.  This was a true act of humility on her part.

Being a former nurse, I understand about the humility of tending to someone’s feet. It isn’t always a pleasant task. Someone recently said to me that they would never be a nurse- to which I replied: "It's  a calling."  It isn't something that you just do. And humility, a servant's heart is part of our calling as a minister of Christ. It has to be something that is birthed inside of us as we spend time with the Lord and enrich our devotion to Him.

 Mary was operating in the role of a humble servant. Philippians 2:5-7 states that Christ made Himself of no reputation, meaning He didn’t consider being a servant to those around Him a demeaning quality.  He became a servant.  James 4:10 tells us that if we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord that He will lift us up and Mark 10:43 goes on to say that whoever desires to be great in God’s kingdom must first be the servant of all. I like something that I read recently by Matthew Henry on his comments on Matthew 5:3: "Those who would build high-must begin low." (Matthew Henry's Commentary in One Volume).

God is seeking such person today.  He delights in those with a servant heart, one full of grace and humility.  Our extravagant devotion will guide us into a life of servant-hood ministry to the needs of other- no matter their situation in life. Remember-we don't "do" these actions in order to receive accreditation from God or people, but these actions will flow out of a heart that is extravagantly devoted to Christ!


"Let all your thoughts be with the Most High, and direct your humble prayers unceasingly to Christ. If you cannot contemplate high and heavenly things, take refuge in the Passion of Christ, and love to dwell within His Sacred Wounds. For if you devoutly seek the Wound of Jesus and the precious marks of His Passion, you will find great strength in all troubles."
~Thomas a Kempis, "The Inner Life"~


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