One Thing

 "One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple."

Psalm 27:4 

Recently I was in a puzzle store, looking for just the right one for my husband and me.  It is one of our favorite past times- and nothing less than 1,000 pieces, please.  There were all kinds for all ages. Just a fun place to be. In the next aisle, I kept hearing a woman talking to a little boy. She kept saying, "Now, is this the "one thing" that you want to buy?"  I couldn't hear his response, but she repeated that question several times, "Is this the one thing that you want?"  Evidently he had been instructed before he ever entered that store, that he only had one option- just "one thing" that he could have at that time. Knowing kids, and myself, for that matter, it is hard to go into a store with so many options and have to decide on just "one thing". In fact, I had already chosen 2 or 3 puzzles, but knew I would only buy one puzzle.

"One thing". In Psalm 27,  David is declaring that "one thing" that he desires.  He doesn't just want it, he "desires" it. This word means to inquire carefully, earnestly, beg.  He also says that he will seek after that "one thing". What was that "one thing" that David so passionately longed for?  The NKJV states it as "to dwell in the house of the Lord".  The "house of the Lord" actually means "His presence".  In the tabernacle in the Old Testament, the presence of the Lord was manifested in the Holy of Holies, over the ark of the covenant.  But when Christ offered Himself up as the one and only perfect sacrifice, the veil in the temple was torn in two, and anyone now had access into the presence of the Lord, through the blood of Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

Christians now have that access to the presence of the Lord anytime, anywhere!  It is totally mind blowing when you stop and think about it. As we put our faith and trust in the plan of salvation that God put into motion; as we live and trust in the Lord on a day to day basis- we have access to His presence. But so many things come along to distract us, vie for attention and affection. But God is asking us to place a priority on this "one thing"- His presence in our day to day, hum drum, ordinary life. Yes!!  We can have His presence with us continually.  He isn't confined any longer to a building, a house or a specific place!  We are His temples and His spirit lives inside of us. But we must acknowledge Him in all our ways- no one likes to be ignored, including God.  We must lift Him up in our worship and in everything that we do. We must seek Him and have a deep longing and passion for His presence in our lives.

I don't know what puzzle that little boy chose that night. I hope it was one that he would really like and enjoy.  I hope it was that "one thing" that he chose to bring him joy and delight. I hope that you chose that "one thing"- to look for, to desire, to passionately long for- that first priority of our day- to constantly live in His presence.  No, it isn't going around speaking in a heavenly language and constantly looking up into the sky, reciting scripture. No.  We have a life to live on this earth where God put us; we have jobs and responsibilities to perform each day. But even with those things- there will be that "one thing" that we will desire above all things- to passionately long for, look for and to enjoy- the presence of the Lord.

"I long to drink of You, O God, to drink deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from Your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of You!  My soul thirsts, pants, and longs for the living God. I want to come and see the face of God!"

Psalm 42:1-4 (The Passion Translation)

Dear Father,

Help us to remember, that above all things, there is only on thing that we should desire above all things- and that is Your Presence in our daily lives. Help us to avoid getting distracted with all the other things that want to take away our focus on You.

In Jesus' Name, Amen



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