Come Up Higher

Often when I pray, the Lord gives me a word picture of what He is trying to tell me. Some would call it a vision. Whatever the case, it is one of His ways of communicating with me. For the last month He kept showing me a mountain. It was broad at the base and became narrower the farther up it went. All along the mountain were paths going up to the top. The top of the mountain was almost to a point. As the paths went higher they got narrower and I could see more obstacles along the path the further up they went.

Then I felt the Lord speak to me to that I had a choice. I could stay along the base, where the grass was green and lush and the path was broad and didn’t have as many obstacles in the way. Or I could choose to go higher up the mountain. I knew there would be a cost to go up higher. The path became very narrow and there were rocks and boulders along the way, deep ravines to travel through. But- the one thing that caught my attention the most was that “my” path was on the other side of the mountain. I could not see where it led. It was hidden from my view.

In Exodus 24 the Lord called for Moses to come up to the mountain with Him. Moses had no idea what was in store. But He trusted the Lord. It ended up that he had a lengthy time of fellowship, communication and worship with the Lord. And it is there where Moses received the Ten Commandments. He was also given the plan for building the tabernacle and all the articles that were contained in it. Moses saw the glory of God in a way no other had. In the book of Revelation chapter 4, the Lord speaks to John to “come up hither”. He was going to show John things that were about to happen. John wrote the book of Revelation which tells of things to come and shows the glory of Jesus Christ. Both Moses and John had great revelations of God—but they also suffered many things because of it. But I bet, if we could ask them today if it was worth it- they would shout out a loud resounding “YES!”.

I knew what the Lord was trying to tell me. He is saying the same thing to all that will listen. If we put our faith and trust in Him, though we may not know what lies ahead, when we choose to go the way He has planned for us, He will see us through. There is no way we can know what lies ahead. But we know Who our Guide is. I told the Lord I was willing to come up higher. I know that this choice has a price to it. All those who choose to go higher with the Lord will pay a price. We don’t know what 2010 holds for any of us. But one thing is for sure- Jesus Christ- is the author and finisher of our faith- and it is He who will lead and guide us. My hope is not in the economy, our jobs, or any other thing that could be gone in a moment. Any day, my husband or I could walk into our workplace and find out that we no longer have a job. It has happened to us several times in the past 20 years. And it is even more apt to happen in this economy. But our hope is not anchored in our jobs. We thank the Lord for the blessings that He has given to us over the year. We have wonderful families and friends and many more blessings. But when we hang too tightly to those things which are not eternal, when and if they are taken from us, our hope is gone also. But when our hope is anchored in Jesus Christ- whom no one can take from us--- our hope is steadfast, sure and everlasting.

Yes, I want to go higher with God. I have not made out a list of things I am going to do or not do for 2010. Normally by February my list is under a pile of other “to do” things that never got done. Instead, I am simply going to trust Him more, read my Bible more, pray more, try to stay in tune with Him more and allow Him to do the changing which needs to be done in my life. I know that the path is hidden from my sight but we “walk by faith, not sight”- the Bible says. I also know that the higher path up the mountain is more narrow which means that I can’t take a lot of things with me—such as certain attitudes that the Lord has been dealing with me on. He wants us light and free. And I know there will be obstacles along the way- difficult circumstances which I must go through. But I know that Romans 8:38 & 39 says that nothing can separate me from the “love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” There is nothing that life can throw at us to cause us to stumble and lose our way, that Jesus Christ can not cause us to be victorious in that situation. He has proved Himself to be true over and over again in my life, in my husband’s life and in the lives of others I know that have trusted Him as their Savior.

Higher with God? I said yes. What do you say? Are you afraid of what is on the other side of the mountain? Are you afraid that you can’t live with those things that you must lie down in order to climb along the narrow path? Are you not confident that you can tackle all those obstacles that will come your way along the climb? Those are all feelings of our flesh and normal. But when you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, He gives us the courage and confidence to do His will. Higher with God? Why don’t we all give it a try in this coming year? It will be exciting to see what He has planned for us. Be assured, that if it is the Lord, no matter what we face we will come out on the other side with a closer relationship to Him. Like Moses and John we can receive a greater revelation of Who Jesus Christ is. And that is what life is all about--- learning to know Who He is, having a closer relationship to Him, partaking in His love, mercy and grace. Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. You will not be disappointed!


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